
I don’t think people realize how much has crept out of reach for a lot of millennials. To buy a 2 bedroom house in my city, in a relatively decent neighborhood, that doesn’t need serious renovations will cost you north of $450 000. You need to be making more than $66 000 a year to have your housing expenses be only

This is a case of the punishment not fitting the crime, regardless of the genders of the pincher, and pinchee . The goal should be that everyone learns the behaviour was inappropriate, and that the pincher doesn’t do it again. Bonus points if the pinch person learns its ok to stand up for themselves. What the hell is

Or Sacher-Masoch if you really want to hit up the classics of the genre. Although probably not what your average 50 shades reader was expecting...

Don’ worry. I’m sure someone will come up with one for you at some point. Eventually. Not me though. I don’t give a shit

This is a really good article, and reminds me quite a bit about the debate I keep having with myself and others.

It contains a 9 minute Terry Gilliam Brazil style pastiche that actually contains Terry Gilliam, for absolutely no reason! There is a man with an elephant for a face called “Mr. Ganesh”. Someone dresses a wound with a maxi pad, with the sticky side FACING the wound. Someone tries to marry their re-incarnated

Thanks! I like yours too :)

I don’t kid myself, it’s sort of a terrible movie that I sort of love. It needed to be 40 minutes shorter or two or three movies. All you need to tell people about that movie is “Albino space half werewolf half angel man with anti gravity roller skates” and then their reaction will tell you whether or not they will

I think at first they just slipped through the cracks, and now it’s just massive pressure on municipalities to allow them to operate exactly as they have been. Uber is trying to come to my Canadian city, and they’ve gotten a lot of push back from the city that they are fighting tooth and nail (The pushback: Drivers

I agree - and this seems like a charge that would cover all the bases that would be covered by a “fetal Homicide” bill without criminalizing legal abortion providers and doctor, or women who accidentally miscarry.

My mother is TERRIFIED of traveling alone, though she won’t admit it to anyone. I know this though, because every time I have ever brought up going anywhere by myself, she instantly has a reason I shouldn’t go, or why I can’t go. “You can’t afford it. What about the cat? Can’t you get your friends to go with you? Why

The hair says doll, the hands say human and the face says WHY?

One of my friends smuggled her cat into her dorm room rather than give him up when her family had to move. She had to sneak the cat to vet appointments past campus security, and keep him mostly hidden in a building where people would barge into your room without knocking, and she still did it.

I understand your feelings. I had my cat Mango for 15 years, almost to the day, and my apartment was just awful without her in it. I didn’t want to go home. I probably would have gone out and adopted another cat the next day if I wasn’t leaving for a trip the week afterwards. As it was, as soon as I got back I went

Yes, and also yes. I think that the whole candidate always counts. I think Clinton’s gender is relevant. I think Sander’s age is relevant - in fact I think the general health of both candidates is relevant. If one of these candidates had a heart attack or something this campaign season, or was diagnosed with

Damn, that is some commitment to dress code - Look at all those identical white tuxedo jackets!

There’s this pernicious thing that’s happening among some (SOME, not all) Sander’s supporters, that people who support Clinton are doing it out of ignorance, and if they just knew better than they’d of course go and support Sanders, and it’s a thing that comes up more often when they hear about women and minorities

Right, it’s not like she has a decades long political career, including time as the Secretary of state that we could use to evaluate her candidacy. /endsarcasm/

I’m just incredibly annoyed by this entire line of argument. Even if you don’t like Clinton, it’s impossible to pretend that she doesn’t have a long and distinguished political career. She has more experience at the highest levels of government than any other candidate running for president, so to reduce her candidacy

Oh man, mine sleeps like that too. It is a constant struggle to not put my face on his furry belly.