
Mine isn’t particularly fat, but he is hella long

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here. In normal circumstances, people trend towards being basically decent - and more importantly, people like to believe that, deep down, they are basically good people. Therefore it follows, If you are a basically good person, you’re automatically not a racist/sexist, because

My primary problem with the outfit is not the bikini actually - it’s those tights - I had pair that sat low on my hips like that once (without the holes), and via my own experience, she’s going to have to yank them up every five steps or they’ll end up half way to her knees. It’s called a waistband for a reason

This makes perfect sense to me, as my dad will buy anything if the sales-guy tells him that it looks good on him, especially if its expensive.

As someone who went from making pretty decent money, to being unemployed, to making basically half my former salary over a period of 3 months, I can tell you the backwards jump is... not fun. It’s not that I can’t live on the new salary - It’s a little more than I was making when I first started out, but there’s so

She could do better. There were plenty of other gowns out there that had high necklines and full sleeves, if you aren’t into showing off skin. Plus, they were on actresses of all sizes and shapes, and I think they were pretty flattering on everyone who wore one.

I find this to be highly situational, and usually they tend to be on par. But I will say the single grossest public washroom I’ve ever been in was a men’s room after a wine-and-food festival. I came out of that room with my faith in humanity destroyed.

Because, and I’m guessing here, the condo fees for those places are probably enormous. Like, I live in an older building with two elevators and no fancy anything, and my fees are like $0.60/sq foot - so that’s an extra $600/month for a 1000 sq ft apartment. AT this place? With a door man to pay, and a bowling alley to

Typically, if you own a unit in a building you are charged condo fees, even if you don’t have fancy amenities - the fees that keep the lights on in the hallway and pay for maintenance of the roof etc, and how much you have to pay depends on the size of your unit (Ie, fees are charged at $xx/sq ft, so the owner of a

I can understand the doorman thing sort of -the people who live in the fancy apartments aren’t getting a doorman and a bowling alley for free because they are rich - They are paying for the bowing alley and the doorman out of their rent/condo fees. When you buy a 1.3 million dollar condo, you aren’t just paying for

do... Do lies you told other people count?

Dude, I’m 27 we got a group of complete newbies together 3 months ago and have been playing steady ever since. Just find adults who have gotten over the nerd stigma and you’ll be fine.

I just started DMing a couple of months ago, and I’m a lady. A couple friends and I thought it might be fun to try and play and I’m the most loquacious so I volunteered to learn how to DM. We added two more to the team, both guys, so our group is 3 guys and two gals.

I just started DMing a couple of months ago, and so far my favorite thing ever is when my players decide to go to some batshit crazy thing that I didn’t plan for. Almost the first thing they decided to do was carry a headless body through the city streets. They decided to build a bridge last week. It mas magical.

Child - SSJSLJKGF - A, Child - SSJSLJKGF - B, etc. as all children will be named in the future duh.

It’s pretty clear from this letter that the mother gets a little hit of resentment every time her smiley face texts do not solicit a response from college daughter. Else she would not have mentioned them in such detail.

She very well might be. I don’t know what freshman year of school was like for you, but I remember many of my friends felt like they were thrown in the deep end academically and socially. Most of the highschool friendships got put on hold until everyone went home for Christmas holidays. I had a cell phone, and email,

*Reflexively grabs two pens at desk to see if she has been holding chopsticks wrong this whole time*

Maybe its all the lego colours in his (probably extensive) collection?