
I was traveling with my brother and his girlfriend recently, and we were driving to my hometown, which has the tagline ‘City of energy’ on its sign. My brother said this out loud, and she wrinkled her nose and said ‘Ewwww’.

I feel you. I just got a new job (Horray for getting off unemployment!), and my new office is inside a freezer. It is snowing outside and I think the air conditioner is on. I’m currently wearing the giant ear-flap alpaca hat that I wore to get to work in -12 c temperatures and its made the room somewhat tolerable.

RE: Soup and sprinkles lady. I am constantly amazed that people are willing to waste So MUCH of their free time on complaining at service people. Like, that is half an hour plus an additional good hour of phone calls of her life that she will never get back, and for what? What do you hope to achieve by complaining

When I worked retail, ‘the back’ was basically my favourite. I got an excuse to get away from customers for a few minutes, pretend to look for something, and come back all appolgies that the size or the thing wasn’t there. Most customers got tired enough of waiting for you that they were pretty willing to give up on

Pics of the fully assembled costume.

Agent Carter is so on my list of costumes I wanna do

I learned mostly from YouTube, wiki how, and elaborate pinterest photo tutorials. Cosplay people like to share knowledge! It helps that my mother taught me how to use a sewing machine when I was a teenager though.

Pic, now that the costume is assembled

Like a month, on and off. About 4 days of really working hard at it near the end

I have both of my arms. I have an Elbow length black glove and the arm goes around it

I dress in the kind of Halloween costumes that people stare at in wonder and ask how long they took me to make. This year is Furiosa complete with mechanical arm rig. Last year was Star Lord, custom helmet, element guns, and leather coat. Costumes are my jam

I was driving through Banf national park (Canada), and I saw a family of tourists pulled over on the side of the road, because there was a mama bear AND HER CUB nearby. They were just parking their small child on the tiny fence for a cutesy photo op with the two vicious wild animals, when a park ranger came to a

Once, when my family and I were on a boating trip on the west coast, we dropped a crab pot to see if we could catch a crab for dinner. When we pulled it up we instead got a giant, 22 armed red and purple starfish with its stomach out, slowly digesting our bait (half a can of tuna).

As a bear, I am in favour of this as well

I think maybe, because I made this mistake once the first time I was really out on a lake - marveling at nature, and how the water could be different colours in a lake, which is, frankly the coolest thing ever. I figured it out pretty quick when I scooped some of that magical deep turquoise water into my hands, only

It’s a stupid argument, because its impossible that a company with the resources of Ubisoft would not be capable of animating and providing the resources for a female character IF they chose to do so. They don’t get to pretend that no one at their company has any idea of how one would possibly go about animating a

It’s more in how Ubisoft handled the whole fiasco. Rust is making a deliberate design choice here and defending it as such. The player’s lack of choice is there to deliberately affect game play. Ubisoft essentially said “We could have let you play as a different gender, in multiplayer, which would in no way hinder

Absolutely. But Frank would tell people he was thiiiiisss close to being Quarterback, he totally would have been if Benjamin Aldred’s dad wasn’t head coach that year.

I don’t even watch the food network, but I want to live next to this woman for the rest of my life.

Oh thank gawd I am not the only one. Full on teared up in here.