
Yeah, it seems to me that this number would be higher in any group that self-selects for paternity testing, since they have a higher chance that more than one man would be involved at any stage of things.

But there’s an actual women’s shelter behind this, that exists in the area they are running the campaign. If any of the women they reach actually get into or are in a DV situation, this campaign points them towards local resources that they can access.

This seems like a good place to drop this amazing comic about Ida B Wells:

I would seriously, seriously recommend going into a lingerie shop and getting them to fit you - those ladies are professionals who know their business. My mother and I (we both used to work in lingerie) took my aunt to one before she got married last year, and they fit her properly in a 34-D even though she had been

I would seriously, seriously recommend going into a lingerie shop and getting them to fit you - those ladies are

There is a bus stop directly underneath my 6th story window. This is normally not a problem, except for one specific week in July, which is somewhat of a festival around here. It is generally hot as balls in July, and I don’t have air conditioning, so all the windows have to stay open so I don’t boil to death inside

Agreed. My younger brother lives in Vancouver, and the one time I got in a car with him there was a harrowing experience. Not because he’s a bad driver - he actually learned to drive in a city that does not tolerate that shit - but because of the horrifying minefield of bad drivers, clueless pedestrians, and a maze of

I am this close to going into the hipster barbershop down the road from my regular salon and getting them to neaten up the shaved parts of my haircut, instead of ponying up $60 for my regular hairdresser to do it. I know they can do it because my haircut essentially the lady version of this:

I know for a fact that they don’t bother knocking things off your tables when you aren’t home. I regularly forget mugs and water glasses on my coffee table when I leave for work, and they are still there and not smashed into hundreds of tiny pieces when I return. However, within minutes of my return, I have to rescue

True Story: I had a summer job working retail at La Senza, a lingerie chain that was bought out by Victoria Secret a few years ago, but which has as similar sort of pricepoint.

It is a truly magical experience. I've watched it like a hundred times, but I can never resist watching it again anytime I see it posted anywhere

Is this the right place for this? Yes it is

He doesn't even need a damn tailor - My dad is one of the suit wearing set, and for any good men's clothing store, they won't even let him walk out the door unless everything fits. Hell, most of the time they'll take the measurements right there in store and have the altered garment ready to go within a week.

Romance Novels and Libraries was going to be a toss up, until I realized that I get all my romance novels FROM libraries, so in the end it was not a difficult decision.

Still works, even if you forget. Mostly it works because all you can think about is the raging turmoil inside your own gut, but I'd count that a win, more or less :p

It can be safe, so long as they are doing their due diligence about it - a lot of parents have gotten in trouble (Ie. kids end up in the hospital, they get arrested for neglect) feeding their very young children vegan diets though, mostly because young children need a different nutritional balance than adults do. The


Can confirm, I clicked the link, and I actually read this article very early in my (still very new) knitting career. I have many, many tearouts because of this advice.

I'll be darned if anyone else can turn this heel of a thread towards more crafting puns...

A-Men. I became a feminist before I learned to knit, and I don't know that I would have learned how to if I hadn't been able go give up the bullshit that is internalized patriarchy that had been teaching me that 'feminine' habits were somehow inferior ways of spending your time.

See, I kind of feel the opposite - because I felt genuinely relieved when my creeping sense of dread didn't play out into the horrible ending I was beginning to expect, and that's crazy. Gone Home is actually one of the first times that someone's actually managed to invoke relief as an emotion in me as a result of a