

My industry is super gossipy - Who's been laid off, who's got money in the budget, who's suddenly hiring, this and that rumor that so and so is going to quit... yadda yadda yadda. But I guess that's the end result of an industry where companies go under in a matter of weeks and new one spring up in their place

When I was about 6 I was the flower girl at the wedding of good family friends of ours (ie: Christmas dinner level friends). I didn't screw up the ceremony, but apparently I pitched such a fit over my dress that the bride resolved never to have children of her own (It wasn't pink enough? I think?). Lo and behold, they

Here here. I live in a very dry city, and while it does get cold as tits here (technical term), the coldest I have ever been was when I lived near a lake. It would go 5 degrees below freezing (I generally do not consider this very cold, for context) and your eyelashes would somehow freeze themselves to your face

Sometimes I forget that other parts of the world don't get temperatures below 0 degrees C, so I read these things and go, Uhh duh, how do people not know this? Then I remember and I am sad for them (Maybe I should be sad for me?). Over the years I've had lots of opportunities to interact with people new to Canada,

I also think its important, especially when the information about you is no longer relevant - Like, say you were pardoned for a crime, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask that search results about you being convicted of that crime be un-indexed (because, basically, that's all Google could possibly do). Or maybe you

It is milk - it comes in bags!

My parent's dog does the exact same thing. She gets an after dinner treat, which at some point was intended to ensure her good behaviour while we ate, and to offset any guilt people may have felt about not feeding her table scraps. I recently learned, while dog-sitting that if you don't have dinner by 6:00 PM, all

It took me about 2 months and like 15 different brands to find a wet food that my cat would actually eat. It turned out he wouldn't touch it unless it exactly resembled shredded chicken, without sauce. We have now expanded our range of foods to include: Shredded chicken with fish in it, shredded chicken with duck in

I defy anyone not to rub the belly of this cat.

I feel your pain. The guilt tripping cats can lay on you is intense.

She might just have to grow into it a bit - I have a similar figure, and have had since I was about 15 (38/30/42 or thereabouts), and it took me a while to realize that cool androgynous styles don't work terribly well for me, even though I desperately wanted to I've had pretty good luck with Lucky brand jeans, as I

Super creepy - way more creepy than mine.

This probably does not count, but when I was 19, my mother rejected a marriage proposal on my behalf.

I think this must be a human universal - When I used to work retail, I had to try and sell store coupon books to customers (I got a tiny bonus for selling them, so you can bet your ass I pushed them hard). But there was a work-around where if a customer was spending more than $xx anyway, I could get them the coupon

Actually pre-serum Chris Evans was actually Chris Evan's face digitally pasted on top of a skinny actor (His name was Leander Deeny) but yes, they do amazing things with digital effects these days .

I was one of those people until I went to the zoo one day and saw a hippo yawn. The teeth on those animals are pretty damn scary.

Man, and I brought cookies to the office last week too. In my defense - these cookies turned my assistant manager from a man who looked constantly on the edge of a stress related heart attack into an elf of good cheer.

Really? it was the left shark that turned out to be the popular one? I thought it was the right - oh god I have a horse in this race what is wrong with me?

The problem with acupuncture lies in the same place as Homeopathy though - it isn't based on any kind of evidence whatsoever, and isn't regulated like a medical treatment would be - which means that practitioners can claim it can do anything they want it to, and they aren't forced to the same kind of safety standards