
But enough about what Big Ben likes to get up to in public restrooms, how’s he gonna get ready for the game?

“It’s All Happening!”—Kirk Cameron

Don’t: Use “Trim” in this context, ever again.

When Hardy said he looked good in blue and white I just assumed he was talking about Nicole Holder

I’m going to get lots of flak for this, but I kind of love it. Because ten years after I was in a sorority, I know that I’ll never have been as hot as I was then.

Talk about the books those women wrote. What you enjoyed about them. What you disliked about them. Recommend their books to other people. Start book clubs that feature them.

I don’t know that I’ve ever heard him physically speak. Is there something wrong with his tongue or something? Like a birth defect? I’m being 100% serious right now. He sounds like he has a piece of bread sitting in his throat all the time.

That thumping sound in the trunk is “So Jeffrey”

By promoting this comment, I’m giving Poopnachos more views, thereby validating him in his own mind


I know small batch breweries are all the rage these days but this is taking it a bit too far.


That’s Hardy Harbaugh, formerly known as The Family Secret.

Never seen one of those interviews worth listening to. Silly tradition that should have been canned long ago.

I can only imagine the interior plastic rattles at 200+mph.

Dude did you even read the letter and Doug’s response before jumping to your own ill-conceived conclusion that anyone who poses this question really is just looking for an excuse to steal the car?

“I am not sure who that aggressive man was, but I know he threw 31 touchdown passes this year. I mean, I could not quite see his face, but he definitely threw for over 3,500 yards, I can tell you that much. And while this fight may not have been that big of a deal if it was just some random students, I can tell you

This is, basically, the narrative of American football right now.

Worst? That’s easy.

Don’t worry, guys, OU is bringing Adrian Peterson back to mentor him.