Really wish they'd dump these character designs and go back to medieval or even FFVI's medieval/steam punk designs.
I would say it saddens me to see how far away the series really drifted, but that ship has long since sailed.
Really wish they'd dump these character designs and go back to medieval or even FFVI's medieval/steam punk designs.
I would say it saddens me to see how far away the series really drifted, but that ship has long since sailed.
As mundane as these characters appear to be, I Still prefer them to anything that came out of FF, VIII and beyond.
The only character designs/faces/hair I actually like is Seifer from VIII and Auron from X.
Damn how I hate what FF became.
I agree completely. The story is complete crap, but the mechanics are solid, fun, and feel great. Haven't had fun in co-op games in a long time, but Destiny remedied that, and the crucible is fun as hell.
Squeel, piggy!!! Weeeeeeee~!!!
The old ones were better in every aspect. Gameplay, atmosphere, soundtrack, visual design; I noticed Resident Evil was taking a turn in the wrong direction, the moment I completed Code: Veronica.
Seems to me like they are testing waters... Rehash a remake and toss it out on digital distribution to see if it will bring in enough sales for them to see if fans want a new Resident Evil game that actually is, 'Survival Horror', and not just a crappy action game.
Who am I kidding? It's Capcom! Anything after Resident…
Positives you say? An amazing soundtrack, hilarious/awful/sometimes-good voices, solid game play, cool villains!
PSP remake, I thought, was much better. One of the later boss battles were you fight two of the villains at the same time, is a classic! Wither playing the PSX or the better PSP version, it's seriously one…
People who played Dark Souls II first, who then back-tracked to play the previous games, will likely tell you, "Dark Souls II is best!", the same way that FFVII-and-up fanboys will back track to the golden era to say anything 7 and up is better.
I was excited when Xbox players got the first Dark Souls game. I bought it, knowing my Demons Souls skills would transition, and sure enough, I PVP murdered the hell out of that community.
I feel your anguish. I bought it Digital-Day-1 on PS3, played it religiously every day, made 5 Clerics and spent hours dominating PVP, then stopped playing it by around April 15th.
Well, I booted it up the other day to try out the DLC, and the frame-rate is still awful. I was hoping they would address as much as…
Ogre Battle 64 and Dark Souls II PVP.
I'd really like to play some modern JRPG's, I really would, but it's so hard to get over the awful, generic, saturday-morning-anime/torrent-hentai-side-add' art style that's been plaguing the majority of the games since the mid 2000's.
Looks like bags of cheap protein!
At first glimpse, I thought that was a Blow Dryer on his head.
Depends. If you're a good looking gaijin man in Japan, you'll get hit on left and right. Some women are shameless and will rush you if you meet their standards of hotness (other times they just get that much more shy and intimidated).
In a sense, he's kinda right... I wasn't able to be really good friends with other women and maintain that friendship because most of the time, if they didn't catch feelings or wanna do the deed later, a girlfriend would get jealous and insecure and the friendship would then diminish. Having friends that are girls in…
Saw your user name and had one of these moments.
Anywhere and everywhere I am able to. Home/Military Gyms/Friends Personal Gyms/YMCA's.
I don't get it? Why is everyone accusing him of being a fake-gamer? Because he happens to be an amateur power lifter? Ummm... There are nerds out there that look like this guy, trust me, i'm one of them.
Whoring himself out? Shamelessly doing it for attention? So? And? Like women don't go to cons to flaunt their stuff…