
It changes over hundreds of years and by necessity, not at the whims of people that speak another language and their perception of poltical correctness(english in this case)

None of my Latin friends use it or care about it.

Spanish is a gendered language, you cant just change it just because it works in english.

There are so many games out there, Joshua. This one just isn’t for you, and that’s okay. It doesn’t need to bend over backwards with an easy mode.

“Says the guy who is so pathetic he apparently has nothing better to do then complain about people complaining about people complaining" says me who is now complaining about a guy complaining about a guy complaining about people complaining.

The hilarious thing to me is that in FFTA/TA2 ALL races are gender-locked, including far as your generic recruits are concerned. There are story characters who are human females, but you can’t just hire human females to your party like in OG FFT.

Strange times we live in. Seems like everyone has turned in to a spoiled little child, throwing a fit about the world that doesn’t cater to them, and their needs/wants/likes. This is why we have so little in the way of originality anymore. Everything is engineered to placate the whining masses, and what isn’t, is

Final Fantasy 12, Finaly Fantasy Tactics Advanced, Final Fantasy 11 (in the form of gender locked catgirls)... this is not a new thing in the franchise.

I forget did XII have male bunny people? Besides this is XIV not another game, they can do whatever they damn please and have been. It’s been a picking-and-choosing-game for a while.

My Vita got me thru many deployments and even survived combat. I am going to get buried with it.

I mean, literally none of this is surprising, but the thing is - WHY? The official Virtual Console emulators (which has already been confirmed to be what the Switch uses) are so half-assed and busted as hell. You could EASILY just port over any decent NES emulator and not only would it run better, but would probably

Dude, putting a children friendly header image for an NSFW article? Not cool, man. At least put a kotaku fish on the face.

How about ‘Hope he burns in hell’

And I hope that whatever fortune he amassed is awarded as damages to the family of the innocents he killed. 

Aaaaand this is what happens when our society rewards moronic jagoffs for their asinine behavior by giving them more money than they know what to do with.

Before anyone says ‘Good’ because they disliked him, remember, a mother and child died at his hands in this.

1) Fucking deal with it

This isn’t about agreeing with an opinion. They make it sound like a LARGE MAJORITY has the problem, that’s where it is objectively, factually INCORRECT.

Alternatively, these messages are hilarious because they game the messaging system to say things beyond what was clearly intended. One of the biggest chuckles I’ve had in the whole series was an“Amazing Trap Ahead” message parked outside Dark Sun Gwindolyn’s chambers. It’s an amazingly stupid joke which is exactly why

Also, what kind of attitude is that to have to your audience? Comes across as “I’m right, and if you disagree with me, you’re a dick”. Implying that anyone who disagrees with your article is a “toxic gamer” is a little much, isn’t it?