
This article is reaching, you're trying way too hard. Latinx isn't even a real word, and nobody uses it seriously as if it is. It's so hard to take Kotaku seriously as a gaming related sight anymore. Keep pushing your agenda though. This place is an echo chamber of like minded tools.

The percieved difficulty of Sekiro is tied to gameplay mechanics and design. Every move, animation, party, and design of the levels itself caution for strategy and skill.

Says the loser who spent years and money on a shitty MMO game, only to not have anything your way. Squeenix cucked you with their Japanese don't, and you'll keep sucking it like a good bitch, slurping away while you cry for gender neutrality. You = cuck Lord.

Keep crying pussy, your tears are delicious.

You sound like an entitled cunt, and this is the type of shit entitled cunts would say. “People pay THIS much, people have been supporting it THIS long!”

Sounds like you have no real argument, and post the same shit as everyone else who has no valid argument.

Good! They can do whatever they want. Glad they don't feel the pressure to conform to this SJW bull shit.

The Vita had some obvious problems like not allowing SD card support and opting for bull shit expensive Vita-only memory cards. They have native PSP and they lock all PSP owners out of being able to play their physical games.

Killed a 12 year old girl, her mom and injured others.... Hope this piece of shit burns in hell.

Oh they aren’t? So Petrus of Thoruland wasn’t being disgusting when he insisted on ravaging a pure maiden for her humanity? How about patches, who literally traps you into dying a horrific miserable death in DeS, DkS 1, and DkS 3 and then goes on further in dark souls 3 by trapping you in a tower with female

You are looking into this WAY too deeply. I view it more as dark humor, and just that. Trolling and fucked up things have literally been built into Souls lore and mechanics well since Demons Souls. In Dark Souls, butting a money tip from a unsavory Knight leads to information about a maiden being decieved by her own

Ario took a risk alright, and it mostly backfired! A large majority of comment responders here and even on Facebook are laughing at you guys for letting that slide. Risks like this will result in a loss of clicks and fans. Keep it up!

Dude, your staff seriously needs to lighten up though. Writing a piece about the message system in souls games and blowing it up into some bull shit is a clear indicator that your team has become pretty radicalized. Try checking your Facebook page and the comment section there. Kotaku has devolved into a joke in the

Remastered version is touched up with a lot more other things like improved lighting, shadows, foliage, re-worked textures, alpha effects, animated foliage and completely re-done lag free fog walls, 6+ multiplayer, dedicated servers instead of p2p and full screen motion blur. 60 fps is icing on the cake, because DSfix

I’ve been in the military for 11 years, and plan on serving til retirement. I agree that gun control needs to be ramped up big time in many areas, and outside of training purposes and protection on deployment, i dont care to own personal fire arms and only do so to protect myself and my family from all the seemingly

I cringe whenever E-sports people get called, “athlete”.

To all of you who are Megaman X fanatics. Now’s the time to spread the good word. A lot of people haven’t played it. They scratched their head at Sigma’s announcement in MVC:I.

As wishful thinking as it is, supporting these re-releases might be our only chance at ever seeing a new Megaman X game, or even a Maverick

I wish their employees could come together and make a new Champions Of Norrath for PS4 since Snowblind was engulfed by Warner Brothers.

I’ve been weight lifting as a passionate since my 9th grade year in High School back in 2002. I’ve never stopped and although my diet fluctuates from good, to kind of shitty, to absolutely horrible, I still stick by by intense training rules and although i lack discipline in eating healthy, I have benefited greatly

Ubisoft is shit. All of their current gen Ass-creed games take a miracle and a half to run decent on any platform. The games aren’t optimized for any platform, and aren’t visually amazing enough to justify the shitty performance and the fact that you need a beefy PC to get the game to run half way decent.