
Loot boxes are fucking bane on our existence. Rather than games offering progression paths, many just “reward” you for your work by giving you random rubbish with a small chance of getting what you actually want.

Save your stuff. Put it away in storage, even rental storage if you have to. Keep your library alive by ripping each game to your PC, so at least you have emulator access.

Secret Of Evermore. Dark, moody, extremely

I’ve been natty weight lifting since 2003, started at age 15. I’m an endomorph with a inherently slow metabolism. I’ve ran various programs and eat an average of 5000 calories a day. 5'11" and currently 245 lbs. I feel like I’m hitting always and the only way up from here is synthetics. The game is completely

With the use of steroid cycles like tren, dbol, Test-e and cycling off with clenbuterol and clomid/nolvadex, you could probably get there in 2 solid years of dedication. Natural body building? 10 years if you’re lucky and psycho enough.

You’re being cucked! She’s using you. If she’s supposedly in a relationship with you, but hides you, it’s because you don’t mean shit to her. She’s keeping her options open, and doesn’t want to be seen with you, and you’re trying to rationalize it. LMFAO! CUUUUCK!

The ealry 2000's marked the beginning of the end for Arcades across the U.S... With the Dream Cast, we had finally reached a time were ‘Arcade Perfect’ could be accomplished at home, and it was a massive eye-opener. You couldn’t believe how I happy I was, having to play inferior ports with missing sprites, sounds, and

Blue was a complete asshole. When encountered by Red for recruiting aboard the Sygnis, he denies him and tells him he hates his name. I believe both Blue and Red can’t be obtained by any other play through.

When Blue and Rouge fight each other and you win/lose the battle, the ending credits start to role but the game doesn’t finish... They basically made it out like you are playing the actual ending; so the ending of Blue’s campaign is him merging with Rouge and destroying Hell’s Lord in Magi Kingdom, not showing what

The ‘Overweight’ he’s talking about are fat, un-athletic, out-of-shape people, not large athletes. Football Linemen and power lifters are athletic monsters.

As much as I really want to upgrade to Ryzen. I won’t yet. I think I’m going to ride out this geenration with my FX 8350 (overclocked from 4.0 to 4.5 ghz on a cooler master hyper evo 212) and upgrade my old R9 270 to a RX 580 when it drops in April.

There are many if us who spent an arm and a leg buying older games, trying to preserve our collection. Etc. I personally don’t see any issues with emulators, as they’ve given me an easier and even better way to play a lot of the older games I purchased without having to re-purchase them.

I always hated having to install aftermarket coolers on AMD AM3+ platform motherboards, which is pretty much a must since FX Cpu’s have garbage stock fans. I also hate cheap cases with horrible cable management and having to play the guessing game with installing the little tiny pins for power/led lights/etc.

Good lord, you guys love launching E-crusades and Witch Hunts over people who say dumb shit on the internet. Tender hearts and bruised ego’s.

Running a PS4 pro over wireless 5.0 ghz band on my Netgear Night Hawk X4S AC2600 router. I haven’t had any connectivity issues related to the firmware update. This issue may be contained to the 2.4 ghz band, or I might just be lucky

Caffeine and a lot of water is all you need, if you aren’t doing REAL drugs.

Supplements are a complete crock of shit. Unless you’re doing actual drugs, and not this crap, you’ll get no real benefits.

A solid diet, good water in-take (at least a gallon a day), and the most important thing, SLEEP, will take you further

This game looks and plays like a generic shooter from 2008. It’s pretty shitty. ‘Mediocre’ written all over it. The water effects are laughable, the character animations are extremely stiff and last-gen, even border line Oblivion bad. Art direction is MEHHHHHHH. Game is MEHHHHHH.

The love/hate relationship with Destiny returns. One more stomp into the dated visuals and excellent gunplay with recycled content and grinding, with mechanics too satisfying it’s almost worth it.

Some key negatives about the Nintendo Switch...