
I really like how you mentioned society's teachings (how stupid they are), having a big impact on how we as men are seen and are supposed to be the aggressors, while women sit back and take a indirect approach at just about everything, it's annoying.

I'm 6'0, 235 lbs at %12 body fat. I've been into athletics (American

"Do women have it easier in dating"

Well if you're a guy who isn't blessed with a handsome face, just hit the gym and get swole as hell, clean up and practice good grooming, learn what physical things and modern looks (clothes, hair) women find attractive, that way you can fool women into thinking your gorgeous even

Nice nails. Or claws. Whichever.

Dabbled between AMD and Nvidia well since the early 2000's, and with each generation, i'd choose something different. I would upgrade my GPU every 4 years, to get the most out of that money investment.

It seems like since 2010 and up, things have been getting much more complicated. When Nvidia tossed out the 8800GTX,

He lookin like he did a few good cycles of Dbol, Tren, Anadrol, and Test, then jumped on a bionic program instead of post cycle therapy.

Is it just me, or are most of these crazy feminists ugly as fuck?

I can't stop laughing at the Megaman X picture, lol!

Yay! Now the game finally looks decent!

The Original Never Winter Nights was 'RPG' done right, and i'd dare to say, it was their biggest game with the most generous offerings, yet. One of the reason why I enjoyed Their Star Wars games and Dragon Age: Origins, is because it took the core style and game play mechanics that made the original Never Winter

I'd imagine just out of the simple fact that....hmmmm...well...gee.... If a game was made specifically for a particular set of custom hardware (regardless of how PC like it is), emulation would be difficult. Lol, people are expecting Snes9x/Zsnes results from all emulators, lol.

I don't blame you. As soon as I got to Inferno, I uninstalled the game. Hated everything about the vanilla game. It took them nearly 2 years to make something better out of it, but two years, too late.

I'd actually really like that, if it were designed after the original look.

There sure isn't. Art direction is still a WoW looking piece-of-shit, with artificial customization, shitty sound/art design, underwhelming campaign and content. No PVP in vanilla release, always online, short campaign, gimped loot system, shitty and completely forgettable content.

I wouldn't even call it a Diablo game.

Far easier? Doubt it. PS4 is still unique hardware.

On point there, and didn't the original Xbox have a claim to being more "pc-like" with development?

It looks like it was made by Sega. The visual design, facial animations, shit...even the blood splatters. A visual feast from 2007.

They should just bury Ratchet and Clank and move on. Left overs taste like shit after a while.

Although i'm happy to see a new Rainbow Six, I can't "fuckin" stand watching Ubisoft at E3. They somehow, usually manage to have a few embarrassing people up there, or embarrassing presentations. The workout game is a damn gimmick, and the guy presenting it is so full of shit. All I could think was "Do you even