
I played through Secret Of Evermore, 9 times. 9, fucking play through's!!! The only two games I played through more than that at that time, was FFVI, and Chrono Trigger (which CT doesn't count due to it influencing mulitple runs). Secret Of Evermore is one of the most amazing games... You don't realize just how dark

Breath Of Fire II is the BEST Breath Of Fire!!!

Istarted with the first game and played through all of them, including Dragon Quarter, and I still consider II to be the best. Definitely ahead of it's time.

Tried to hold it in, but as soon as I seen Dark Staler Kaathe and Frampt, I starting cracking up. Lmfao.

Probably just letting extra's go.

Either way, this game sucked badly. Many waited for it, many were let down (myself included). Graphics suck and it runs awful on PS4. Game was a fail.

The Bane one takes the cake, I was highly disappointed with how that one played out.

"hearing words without understanding, but being able to observe the result, is exactly how children learn language skills."

This is a HUGE component to learning another language, and one of which played a huge part in me learning Japanese.

I spent 4 years in Japan, I had no other 'gaijin' friends and 85% of the time I

When I first learned Katakana, it definitely frustrated me. I'd sit there and practice like crazy, but when I finally got a full grip on both Hiragana and Katakana, I immediately started focusing on grammar and then incorporating basic, useful Kanji into sentences too. I felt that the learning and memorization process

A helpful way to learn Japanese and not bore yourself to death:

- Buy an electronic Jisho (english to japanese dictionary) basically a pocket handheld dedicated to all things japanese-english dictionary. A decent one will run at least 75 bucks. (there might be some really good phone apps out there these days though)

Welp, looks like i'm skipping out. It's ok, only 2 more weeks til Dark Souls!

Or just keep it and use it for PC gaming and/or emulators.

I was laughing so hard when Bill gates walks away from Steve's carcass and looks back saying "Clean that shit up!"

"good on everything!!!" <—— ummm... no, not everything. It actually goes best on meats (preferably those dry or lacking in falvor)

We been eating it for a while in Hawaii before it was cool. They even have a Srirach mayo one too, lol (but I just mix best food mayo if I want the flavor).

Foods I recommened putting

Combat is one of the main problems. Graphics suck too, primarily the textures. Worst textures of 2014, next to Titanfall. MMO or not, this isn't selling "Next-Gen" and i'm sure somebody from the modding community could single handedly improve all of these textures like they do in every other game.

Boring, floaty combat

MMO or not, this is 2014 and those textures SUCK!!!

Path Of Exile! ! !

This game is awful and doesn't deserve any of the hype it's getting. Populating maps with bots is not cool. 6 vs 6 is not cool. Mech Suits that don't even feel that much different from the person you're controlling is not cool....and those graphics... This is by far the ugliest 'AAA' next-gen game.

DIII is one of the biggest disappointments...EVER. Waited so long for it, only to get a boring, dumbed-down, lack-luster, pre-baked character, short adventure without even an ability to PVP duel.

Diablo III is a piece of shit!!!

Looks like the Xbox fanboys get more and more quiet about "superior" graphics with each comparison post.

The future looks abysmal, either way. Again, I say, 1080p at the very least, should be the floor, not the ceiling.

It's even more scary that consoles like Xbox One aren't bound by complicated tech as an excuse for

Honestly, who in their right mind would pay a $100 more for something that can't even reach the "bleh" standard of 1080p? Is this 2009-2010? The quest for decent 1080p games on consoles continues now, nearly 7 and a half years later.

Glad I went with PS4.