
I've been waiting so long to see the Arena fight with the Viper VS The Mountain

I recently bought the $189 amazon bundle, and had it for a little less than a month.

I recommend buying at least a 8GB memory card for game storage, 4gbs only stores a game, a patch, and maybe a ps1 game.

Games I've played on it and recommend:

Killzone: Mercenary - amazing graphics for a portable game. A portable FPS

That trailer.... SUCKED!!!

I didn't see any in game graphics, and the blurring between the CGI (or whatever kind of footage it was) and the real-life footage wasn't anything impressive. It didn't show any up close texture detail, or polygon counts. No game play footage, just a "creative" trailer with no substance.


Sounds a lot like Metal Gear Solid games and Grand Turismo games. Run up close and try to nit pick the actual in-game graphics and find utter disappointment. No depth, no substance.

I was a Zipper faithful. I loved all of their games aside from Socom: Confrontation and Socom: 4; those games were AWFUL.

I jumped back on MAG this morning. Hearing about it's servers closing by the end of this month, I figured I would take a break from (PS4) Battle Field 4 and Killzone: Shadow Fall.

MAG's shooting and

MAG is amazing. Despite having a PS4 and moved on to all kinds of other lack-luster games, this morning, I actually turned MAG back on to play some SVER, and I still had a lot of fun. The controls, feel, and overall gameplay mechanics of MAG are polished and solid compared to a lot of other games. People rave on and

what's for dessert?

"Sticky white stuff"


FPS game especially, need to pay more attention to texture detail, since you see everything in the world up close and personal, all of the time. Highly detailed textures and good character animation are the two things I look for in games, as far as pleasing graphics goes, and I was so amazingly disappointed with most

WTF is up with the plants? Why do the plants in these games still look like 2D paper cuts? Limited destruction and disappearing objects? Were are all the moving clothing particles? Polygon counts don't visibly look much higher from last gen titles and the texture quality is still utterly disappointing.

Texture detail

Graphically looks a lot like Killzone!

Hmmm... This is interesting to know. I'll remember not to leave it on any longer than I have to. Power bills here in Hawaii on average were I live, are $500 a month, and my town is a slum.

Yes, it became bigger in the sense of the modding community, but in terms of the actual gaming community and how much people are playing in general, PS3 takes the cake with the most active player base and being able to play against/with people in Japan as well.

It makes sense though, what you say. If PC is the lead

And why should it be? It started out as a console game, and as a PS3 exclusive, in the form of Demons Souls and everything about the game play design, controls, functionality fits perfectly for it to stay that way.

With crappier hardware to boot! "Wait, you mean I only have to pay $100 for a clean, game friendly interface with better graphics in every 3rd party game?" M$ shot themselves in the balls.

I agree, D3 was the biggest piece of shit let down. I can't find a damn thing I like about it. Disgusting World Of Warcraft visuals with simplified streamlined auto stat allocations and no depth to character development, no PVP or dueling at launch, auction house, crappy cheesy music, lame cast of characters with no

I have been let down by Squeenix for some years now. I started losing faith in them after FF-X and completely gave up on them after FFXII.

But then again, i'm one of those bitter guys who favors FFIV, V, and VI, compared to anything else, only accepts FF Tactics (and PSP re-hash) to be great out of any of the other


I recently bought it, two weeks ago during a STEAM sale for 10 bucks, and I don't know what any of the hype is about. It was an overall good game, but in no ways was it GOTY worthy. It didn't offer anything that much different from the first 2 games and the static animation on every NPC's face is absolutely

$500 for a hideously designed console with a clunky, annoying, external power brick, a control that still rely's on batteries and pulls the gimmick of having to shell out extra money for a chargeable battery pack, inferior tech specs that have been showing how bad it is that games can't even hit 1080p properly (thanks

Hmmm, no texture pop-in? It's not like the textures looked that spectacular to begin with. It's an exclusive title, that alone gives it less of an excuse to run at 720p and 30fps, and those frames aren't even consistent! The game stutters more than it should. A 'NEXT-GEN' console shouldn't be running any games at

I agree with all of these EXCEPT the Vita! IMO, the Vita was the least disappointing thing on this list and 2013, although rough, has been rather decent for the Vita. Kill Zone Mercenary is a really good game, and i'm not just saying that as a Kill Zone fan, but it's the best looking handheld game out there and the