
Japanese devs have had a pretty shitty track record for a while IMO. Besides Demons Souls and Dark Souls, I have had almost no desire to even look in their direction in terms of game development. Most of their games look like PS 2 games in 720p, in terms of graphical fidelity and on a technical level, and so little of

I LOVED the PC version of Dark Souls. I picked on, trolled the hell out of, and PVPed the PC noobs to death! Yeah the resolution, GFWL and frame-rate locks were disgusting, but having nearly an entire years worth of increasing skill and experience, it made slaying the "PC only" people that much more fun. This and

Long load times, slightly wonkier graphics and strange rainbow colors in the fog aside, Diablo I on PSX was actually pretty decent and highly enjoyable in Co-op as well. They did a pretty good job.

I had to jump on that walking dead +3 games bundle, it was just too good.

DON'T!!! The new version is NOT better. They have their trade off's, but the build of the old Vita is better. The new one is more cheaply built and the screen is just an LCD screen. The original Vita screen is much better. The trade off? The battery life on the new vita went is boosted by an additional 2 hours, uses


I think those that purchased the game and went through all these issues, should be pissed off, pretty badly. As far as law suits go? Well... I don't know...

I just remember, being a huge fan of Twisted Metal (2012) and rushing to the store, day 1 to pick up my pre-order purchase of the game, only to come home and find

Wow, I haven't played this game, but if it's vastly inferior to Diablo 3, I had might as well stay far away, being that D3 SUCKED ASS! The more Path Of Exile in both graphics and customization, was what I was expecting D3's quality to be, and that game is free.

Out of all of those games, i'm only really looking forward to Dark Souls II most of all, then Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, The Order, and some indie gems. From the footage of Titan Fall and Destiny that i've seen thus far, neither are next gen lookers in the graphical fidelity department. They have it going on

Every object up close, looks like a muddy mess from early Unreal Engine 3 games. Who the hell wants to see PS3/360 mid-generation textures in 1080p? It's another one of those cases like Gun on 360

I see a few elements about it that look good, but static facial animation on NPC's and the horrible texture quality are a big turn off. I guess it's understandable since it's being made to cater to last gen platforms as well.

Watched all 9 minutes. Didn't find anything scary or horrific about it and graphically, i'm not impressed after looking at various screenshots and game play footage, those textures look like 2007 quality detail.

Also, why do zombies have to hiss and grunt nowadays? Whatever happened to the slow, creepy, moaning and

I don't care much about these Youtuber career-crusaders, but there are people out there who deserve to be bashed far more than these individuals.

Did everyone forget Tila Tequila? The queen, bottom-feeding, leech attention-whore?

I'm usually not into video game girls, I mean... I don't have the hots for them. The last video game girl I had the hots for was either Tifa Lockheart or Ellie from Xenogears, and that was a loooooong time ago; but after playing Bioshock Infinite, I perved on Elizabeth more times than I care to remember. She is fap

They should have held off from releasing Unreal Tournament 3 during 2007 holidays when Halo 3 and COD 4 were running rampant and just worked on it more, scrapped the awful story and took the UT99' arcade story approach, reworked the crappy net code, and overhaul the character designs. UT3 had so much potential for

Comparing Gears Of Wars shooting mechanics to Uncharted makes more sense than comparing it to The Last Of Us, since TLOU was mean't to be a little more heavy, gritty, and desperate. I love both Gears and Uncharted and I love the mobility and platforming aspect being implemented in the multi player, but I feel like the

Umm... What is the population in Singapore? How Big is Singapore in comparison to a large fraction of a continent with 50 states, some, big enough to engulf your country in terms of land mass and population, each having seperate State governments with complexities in laws.

" I feel that alot of Americans don't respect

Yeah, because because law abiding, decent human beings who happen to legally own firearms are going around, shooting people over a PS4?

Criminals will use ANY means necessary to accomplish their awful goals.

Do you live in a country that borders a land were ILLEGAL guns and drugs are transported constantly, and guns are

When all else fails, toss em' off the cliff!

wait, WHAT? Killzone Shadowfall is the BEST LOOKING launch game, i'm not talking about aesthetics, i'm talking about sheer graphical quality, Killzone Shadowfall beats them all.

PS4 VS Xbox One - PS4 has more powerful hardware = PS4 WIN
PS4 3rd party games look and perform better = PS4 WIN
PS4 has a more simple interface