
In most of it's cases, the 2MB were enough to satisfy, but when it came down to the 2D fighting games, it did an awful, awful job.

"2MB of RAM"

Yes, actually I did know that. I knew that at a really early age too, because I bought: Marvel Super Heroes, X-men VS. Street Fighter, Marvel VS Street Fighter, Marvel Vs Capcom, and Dark Stalkers 3, and thanks to the 2MB of ram, all of those games looked and ran much worse than their arcade counterparts.


Graphics don't matter! Mario 64 would have been the same if it were on SNES. All they had to do was use the Donkey Kong/Killer Instinct style of 3D looking 2D sprites and they were good to go!

It seems like Nintendo's Wii U crusaders are the first to argue "game play over graphics" but everyone forgot that all the

Oh yeah, graphics don't matter. Nope,

Excuse me, i'm gonna go play E.T. on Atari. Who needs all them fancy tech' for sophisticated A.I, physics, polygons, open worlds with depth?

Everyone forgot that the gameplay mechanics of many of the games they love today, weren't possible back in the days.


That's exactly what i'm worried about, it doesn't sound like their learned their lesson from the last generation. When PC's outpace "NEXT GEN" consoles at launch, that's a serious problem for the future.

Holy piss, what awful Call Of Duty voice chat lobby did you crawl out of? Did your mom forget to monitor internet usage on her 12 year old?

Thank you for validating that you were, indeed, talking out of your asshole.

"everyone was talking about it"

Did everyone actually sit down and play it? Did you? Doesn't sound like it. You opened your first post with, "killzone is complete and utter shit. hahahaha"

"ever since I was a kid"

You still sound like one.


After 7 years, should we be settling for even 1080p? Will Ps4 even support or be able to handle higher resolutions in the future (with all the graphical fidelity)?

I really was expecting 2k resolution gaming, early on. Maybe at one point or another. It really does seem like PC is outpacing even further this time

Who said Killzone was supposed to be a "Halo Killer?" You? Guerilla, the developer, never did say that. Idiots built that claim up. Killzone never did focus on the same approach that Halo did. Even for being a sci-fi game, the original Killzone on PS2 never had laser guns, crazy, out-there alien vehicles and weapons

I guess I was looking at it from a sheer power and brute force perspective, and you were absolutely spot on with everything and even opened my eyes to a few common sense factors I should have looked at, being that I actually have the Zone Of The Enders and Silent Hill collections on PS3, they were disappointing to say

Exactly. The console would look so much more attractive if it honestly stuck to a simple, clean, bare-bones approach. No bullshit apps, programs, social shit. Just "GAME"

Too. Much. CRAP!

The Xbox Ones ambition to become all-things-media, is such a huge turn off to me. It just wouldn't feel like I own a gaming console anymore, just from reading this in depth article. First of all, I HATE the windows 8 style interface of boxes and design layout. I have a windows phone and a windows 8 on

The good folks at Euro gamer did this a while back with the PS3 and the advantages were so very minor, well it's not like it was developed with super special memory controllers in mind to being with, but a SSD connected to older SATA II based mother boards in computer systems still offer a pretty big boost in load

I agree with you COMPLETELY. They are honestly the same people that'll tell a power lifting "all that meat your eating is bad! I'm a vegetarian, it's teh healthy" And they're over there stuffing themselves with sugary sweets, junk food and exercising once every 5 years.

It is a Gen behind, It's a HUGE step backwards. Haven't you seen any of the triple-format game graphics analysis articles that pitted the Wii-U port up against PS3/360, the console that was released in 2012 was struggling to keep up on all fronts with generally dodgy frame rate hiccups. Various complaints about it's

It's ridiculous, it's like last gen all over again, people trying to defend the Wii-U, "oh teh graphics are gewwd~! It It feels more leik teh next gen cuz it's fresh and neww~!"

"Oh, PS4 is pretty but I like teh Wii-U cuz it's fuun~!"

I heard this same crap last time with the Wii, and what happened? Was there a Oblivion

"Wii U can run games up to 1080p and 60 fps, so... yes it capable."

Like what? Pacman? Bomberman? Tetris?

Capable of PS2.5 and 360 launch title graphics! Outside of Nintendo titles, it's almost a complete bust!

"I dont understand why people are blaming MS for DR3 playing the way it does. It is Capcomwho developed it. They hardly had a grip on last gens tech let alone next gen with zero expereiance on it."

THIS! After last gen, my expectations for them were already low.

Well, A Call Of Duty game is finally running at some type of HD resolution (720p Xbox One, 1080p PS4). That in itself is nice, considering that every other game has been in really low, sub hd resolutions. The resolution jump makes a big enough difference on it's own, not including the additional lighting, detailed

Wouldn't it make more sense to compare Killzone: Shadowfall to previous titles in terms of graphical analysis, rather than Halo 4?