
Things the reviewer FAILED to mention at all. Poor game coverage from a site dedicated to games.

Review? That article on Killzone was hardly even a preview, let-alone review.

Throwing a "NO" on the most graphically impressive next-gen launch title without even going into any detail about: user interface, customization, game play controls, changes from previous Killzone games (big or minor, or any at all!).


You call this a review? What exactly did he go into detail about? I re-read the "Review" twice to find out, and got nothing. Just biased opinions about cliche's, sameness, pretty but bland, and not a single part about controls, interface, gameplay mechanics, menu systems.

How about multi player? What kind of

Well, if your shelling out a decent amount of money for something advertised as: new, powerful, "NEXT GEN" then it had better look the part. It actually is a pretty big deal, or should be anyway.

Hey, guess what? What you just wrote was more useful than this review. I actually found more worthwhile information in your post. Thanks.

Honestly, re-reading the so-called "review" all I see is complaints about how it fails to stick out because of the "same" and "done-this-done-that" game play. This isn't a review. He

How are they going to post a full-fledged review, when they didn't even detail multiplayer. The campaign is just one, small component. I don't think enough time was spent on this game to justify them slapping a "no" on it. But then again, Kotaku never was a fan of Killzone.

Now playing

A little too long to be a trailer, I still think this promotional was really well done. The game was a 6 out of 10 in my books but the trailer and the song went really well together and I thought it was really good.

Killer Instinct was the game that made me realize Arcade games looked better than the console counterparts. I didn't really notice it until the huge difference between the SNES KI and the arcade version and it pissed me off more and more, because every fighting game to come on pretty much every system until the

This is long overdue. This should have happened back in the Burning Crusade days.

Hey! Remember when Launch titles on Dream Cast, Ps2, Xbox, and Game Cube looked WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more amazing than N64/PSX/Saturn???

How about the jump from SNES to N64?
Hmmm.... New consoles used to outshine PC for a few years... Now, hear we are, faced with "THE NEXT GENERATION~!!!" Launch title games can't even hit

Killzone 2 and 3 were technical marvels and look better than most of the competition of their time and compete with even more recent titles in the visual department. First Person Shooter character animation in multiplayer games is notorious for being awful, and Dice has tried to combat that in Battlefield 3, and so

Killzone 3's weapon response isn't as bad as Killzone 2. I tested Killzone 3 BETA in 3 different builds, added input alongside the community. The final version of Killzone 3 was a huge step away from the wonky and sluggish handling that many had difficulty with in the second game. There's still that weighted feeling,

. I would be ABSOLUTELY PISSED if Gorilla delivered 720p 30fps on "next gen." That would be completely unacceptable.

Back in 2010, I thought the live-action COD: Black Ops commercial was pretty clever/funny. Nowadays, I find these live-action commercials annoying and cheesy as hell! Especially the Battlefield commercials, those ones take the cake of cheese ball lameness.

Here's what I think you should do. By a low-to-mid ranged AMD graphics card and pair it with the APU. Check to see if the card is compatible with your APU for hybrid crossfire. It can help or hurt performance in certain games, but you can always turn it off so it's more a win then a loss (assuming future drivers

The R9 280x has my vote. Mostly a re brand, which isn't that bad in this case, considering the amount of power you get for the price. Close to HD 7970 ghz power for $300, honestly this card smokes most cards in the price/performance ration. I do get worried with AMD drivers sometimes though...

I was one of those that

hehe "hella." You from the Bay area by any chance?

Haha! The Sixaxis! The only game I ever used it on intentionally, was WARHAWK!!! (still one of the best PS3 games).

Hmmm... I wouldn't say 3 years, but yeah I know what you mean. 3 years ago, mid ranged gaming was a GTX 460 1GB/ Radeon HD 5870 and a Phenom black 955 or i5 2550k, and that was actually more towards the upper mid-range, going to high end.

I actually upgraded my GPU back in 2010 from a 8800 GT to the 400 series and

When 360 came out, most games didn't look all that 'NEXT-GEN.' Some time and exclusives will change that. I do worry about how well the hardware will keep up in the coming years. Consoles in the past (until 360/PS3) had no problem taking the front for visuals, but lately it seems they aren't being built as future