
"1080p should be a floor, not a ceiling..."


I expect more out of 'NEXT-GEN.' 1080p 60fps should be a floor. If this is what we can expect, than we can expect it to be like the last generation, were consoles quickly got outclassed by mid-ranged PC's a year after release. It's ridiculous.

Who the heck is the VSA? Lol, so much for the ISA.

45 GB's huh? Damn, that's insane! Hoping for uncompressed textures that live inside of textures that live inside of textures that have their own tesselation inside of another texture.

He's talking about the 'VSA' mistake. They are actually called ISA.

I really don't give a rat's about what race my character, but if he's a man, I prefer him to be more masculine, rugged, and bad ass.

I like every character in your title image. Geralt isn't a Space Marine, Marcus isn't bald...
I also thought the best character in FFXIII was the black dude.

Hey, wasn't the main character

Read Digital Foundry's article. Higher Resolution, better lighting, and overall better FPS. PS4 wins.

"My point was about female knights in real armor and not chain mail bikinis."

Maybe you should have stated that as your point from the beginning instead of sounding like a feminist power monger.

Guerilla slays in the graphics department. Killzone 3 is still the FPS graphics king of current consoles. I'm certain they won't disappoint.

A lot of people say your argument is invalid today, but it's simply not true. I lived in various parts of the Tokyo area and speak the language good, and let me tell you, they are still for the most part very closed when it comes to games. Time does help and it's gotten a little bit better since 2009, you'll find a

Lol, the Journalist was surprised because he felt other western designed mecha are usually "shitty."

That's pretty much how I felt about the vast majority of Japanese games halfway through the PS2 era all the way through the PS3 era until I played Demons/Dark Souls. Some awkward animations, cut scenes and sound effects

Graphically, I see MAJOR improvements! Dark Souls was a pretty big graphical step up from Demons Souls which looked passable. Granted, the slight resolution drop in Dark Souls kinda sucked but a little bit of AA, better textures and motion blur was nice.

I wonder if it will be around the same resolution as Dark Souls

Yeah, the only place I really seen any kind of PC related gaming going on was in Akihabara (which doesn't really count because it's all things game related anyway), and the shop I went in was a hole-in-the wall, leading to a basement that looked like some 80's retro cyberpunk place that should have been selling guns

Yeah, after watching some of the video footage, I'm turned off by the change in art direction. The lion guy's armor looked like straight WoW designs, and so does the Golem and the house he destroyed. Lame as hell! The game is moving away from it's roots in all the wrong ways!!!

Now playing

One of the best boss theme's ever. The progression and build up is epic and from 1:40 on when the bird chirping starts and turns into the bass and drums of doom, you know you're about to get your @$$ handed to you.

I played the hell out of both SNES Lufia games when I was a kid. When I first heard this song while fighting Gades, I couldn't believe how epic it was (still is).

Last year when Twisted Metal came out, I was excited. As a huge fan of Twisted Metal, I enjoyed the game play, graphics, online multi-player (despite lobby problems) and climbed to the top 100's on the leader board with Warthog but the games support was dropped so fast, I was pissed off. The campaign was

I've always been attracted to the world of Everquest I, II, and Champions Of Norrath. Some say it's generic in lore and art, but I like that. Doesn't try to be overly ornate and crap.

No, you misunderstood what we meant. Everyone has a set of abs on them but having a low body fat percentage is what makes them show. I'm talking about the guys that never usually work out, the YOLO's (you only lift once) who get too much credit for having abs show only off of the fact that they are just skinny. These

So true. Seeing abs on a skinny guy is a joke because it usually comes with a weak frail looking body with lanky arms. Seeing abs on someone packing 220 + lbs of muscle mass, that's impressive.

The most dangerous pair of mufflers!

To answer your question in a way...