
Still amazing how huge Dragon Quest is in Japan. Everyone and everything knows it. Every company that can advertise it, will advertise it. I was still living there in the midst of Dragon Quest 9 coming out. Everywhere you go, signs, movies, standee's, posters, toys, and all kinds of foods to celebrate it's arrival. It

Dayumm! Back in July 2010 I bought a 1 GB GTX 460 for 240 bucks, and this GTX 560 is running almost a hundred bucks cheaper! Tempting, as hell. I'll just have to hold off and see how the upcoming GTX 660 pulls through.

I didn't see why she had such a cult following either. Pretty face, so what? Dime-a-dozen. She was devoid of any real likable characteristics to me, but then again I always did fancy the stronger brute types like Cid and Barrett.



LMFAO!!! I laughed so hard when I seen this! :D

Lulu was like Aerith from FFVII for me. Cute as hell, but didn't use unless I really had to. Her and Kimari sat on the bench next to Aerith and Red-XIII, besides I was always more of a Tifa kinda guy anyway.

I got a little aroused by the thought of hot pockets going down face holes~!

Funny, I used that same team for most of the game. Not sure if it's how it was meant to be, but Rikku ended up being so fast, I could steal, drop healing items on the party, and mix items before a lot of enemies turns. Good thing they introduced Aaron and Wakka early on too, definitely helped the cause when putting up

Oh-oh! 'Can't take jokes for shit guy' is coming for me!

I wish Jecht would have been the main character. Listening to Tidus whine all game. By the time he started being barable, it was already the last 4 hours of the game.

I can't really put into words how stupid he looks.

As a male gamer, I had problems with playing as characters like Tidus. It took me a while to get over it. I passed on some RPG's in the past, because of characters like this.

"Girl power isn't about flirting or short skirts, it's about applying the female perspective to situations where men fail miserably."

So true. 8800 GT/GTS/GSO/GTX was bragging rights back in those days. It ran all the Unreal engine games like butter and people were playing high settings Unreal Tournament 3 and Oblivion with ease. Cards started to get stupidly huge too.

This music makes it damn near unbearable to watch, I had to mute the vid so I wouldn't slam the laptop.

True, but if you think about it, this is really good and often times needed for the gaming community, everywhere to hear and can really help give insipration to those wanting to get into shape; and the video game community has quite a bit of people who could really use a healthier lifestyle to be honest. Hearing

Well done, bro! It's really good and inspiring to read pieces like this from time-to-time. Very sound advice and helpful tips you've given too.

But for fucks-sakes, it's the taste you can SEE~!

Hmmmm.... I went with Fruity pebbles. When they get all soggy in that bowl of whole milk... MMMMMMMMNNNN NOM NOM NOM~!!!