
Lol, who the hell buys console bundles? Would you buy a motherboard coupled with useless programs you wouldn't use for more money? No, I wouldn't either.


so true!

Understandable. I really don't mind if games are locked at 30 FPS as long as they stay solid, and don't jump up and down. Crysis 2 on 360 looked good but the frame-rate in the campaign was dodgy and the sluggish controls didn't help it. It really made it feel boring. I make sure the games I buy on console are

I used to think Japan was cool. And then I learned the language well, lived there, became fluent, and lost my like and wonder to all-things anime, and the majority of games. Japan was cool as hell in the 90's, now, to me, it's just 'meh' but then again, so is everything else! MEH~!!!

So damn true!

Most people talking about "Gawww console so awful!" "PC on lowest settings LAWL~!!!" are those that don't even play console AT ALL. They make it obvious with how they post.


That's a nice motherboard! Really nice!

Yeah! If I was running that badboy, i'd run it to the ground and would be way to comfortable single carding that GTX 560 ti for years, haha! I'm running a GTX 460 1GB %15 overclocked, 8 GB Corsair 1600 mhz dual channel DDR3 RAM and a phenom x4 955 black deneb R2 at 3.6 ghz (overclocked by a mere 400mhz due to using

Nope. most console games are more like mid/high settings but at 1280x720p with minimal, custom solution, or no AA with V-sync engaged (most games, most the time) locked at 30 FPS (some unlocked 30-60).

Lolwut? 6 year old hardware is still holding strong. Battlefield 3 on PS3 looks more a long the lines of high settings in 1280x720 without the DX11 flare. Not bad for 6 year old hardware. Crysis 2 on Xbox looked pretty good, it was the in-consistent framerate that was the issue, not it's visual fidelity. 6 year old

If you ever get the chance to save up about $40-45 bucks, DD3 RAM are dirt cheap. If you're willing to settle for a smaller ATX motherboard, this one looks pretty good!

Sorry reply to wrong person! :3

What kind of phenom is it? I dragged my AM2+ motherboard all the way to it's grave, running 8 gbs of DDR2 dual channel (800mhz) and switched out an old, disgusting, athlon 2, windSARRRRRRRR 2.8 ghz dual core, for a phenom x4 black 955 3.2 ghz 2nd revision deneb.

That will chew off BF3 no problem. That's a pretty beasty set up, and that i52500k will last you for a long ass time before you'll even have to think about upgrading. Only thing i'd see you changing is the GPU but then you said you'd SLI it, so that's pretty much out of the question. Pretty beast set up.

Honestly. I've spent more than enough time with DIII and it's turned into shit now. No PVP and the sheer lack of true customization and skill limitations is lame. They won't even you adjust your distribution points for character. PVP is going to suck. I'm going back to Dark Souls soon.

oh yeah! haha, I wanted to analyze another weird stuck-together boss thing, although very different.

Another chick in red cloth, two more chicks in red, blond chick next to skeleton mutant and golden dragon. Lol crazy crap

Yeah, there is a ton of speculation people make about this. Some say that all these things are representations of Kefka in some way. Some say it's symbolism of such. I just viewed it as angry/tortured minions of hell that Kefka pulled together. Like the female in the red with her head stuck in the flesh? Lol how does