
I don't like the constantly being connected to online bullshit either, but i'm a hardcore fan of the Diablo series and i'm willing to deal with the bullshit to get my satisfaction.

Hurray for bullshit strategies, limitless cheap assists, and missing marvel character animations!

The animation is more fluid too. X-men Children Of The Atom and Marvel Super Heroes have amazingly good animation. The wolverine jiggles and cyclops bulging muscles are much more pronounced. Marvel VS Capcom 2 is a broken, sloppy game. Good fun, but broken as hell and missing animations on tons of characters.

That was disgusting to say the least!

Omg, I agree. After Megaman X 5, The X series went to shambles. I loved every 1 through 5. X6 was so sloppily tossed together, everything about it!

Socom 4. Bought it day one at 60 bucks, only for the damn network to go down for a long time. When it came up, I found everything to be completely mediocre. I honestly believe they recycled actual environment textures from MAG. Some of the worst camera angles and broken shooting mechanics ever.

is anyone here actually running the APU and budget/mid-ranged single GPU crossfire set up? If so, how decent is the boost from an AMD APU when combined with the likes of a 6670. I've been thinking of making a sub $600 AMD PC.

I have a GTX 460 1GB, got it when it came out in July 2010. If this is a 660, i'd be willing to make the jump. The 460 was more than generous too me in the price performance ratio and ran games flawlessly at max settings and 1080p res. I'm super excited for this news!

Haha! And suddenly many lost excitement, wow! Gfwl!? I'll be honest I tried to like it, use it and bought 5 AAA games on it, and it's just so bad, I lost the desire to even click on te program, even though my bio shock 2 and gears of war pc are on it; Gfwl is just so awful and sloppy compared to steam. But... This is

Good lord, when I was living in Tokyo, everyone and their dog knew and read One Piece. Even the Japanese hipsters and anti-otaku/geek squadrons were jumping in on it. From 7 year olds to 70 year olds. Watching everyone line up against the wall racks of the stores as if it was a public library, walking by to get some

I'm kind of in the same boat with it. Seen a lot of really cool characters like Smoker and Crocodile, some bad ass fight scenes and stuff but the absurdity and annoying snot drizzling crybaby faces are everywhere.

NO!!! I loved this game!!! I want demand MOAR!!!

I would be this!

Yeah, I can't stand that either, it's annoying as shit honestly.

Lol! The PC gaming market in Japan is nothing like in the west. Demons souls and Dark Souls has sold well enough on PS3 alone, to warrant this as DLC for consoles. It will more than likely come to consoles as DLC. The only further reason i'd need a PC version for is the chance to invade and kill the PC players.

I'm %100 sure that anything coming to PC will be coming to console as well. They'd be stupid not to.

Duping lasted for a few weeks and was only restricted to expandable items. You still had to work and farm for the gear you wanted, and soul glitch lvling didn't hurt or spoil anyones online pvp since the lvl differences were restricted for 10 below to 10 above, leaving out over lvled players. Bottom less box glitch,

Seen the Facebook wall, I think it's still not torn down yet, but i'm pretty sure this means console DLC as well. New bosses. perhaps they will finally link the pendant and uncover what it does, make sir artorious a boss, goddess fina perhaps? Petrus black cleric armor!!!

Aside from the funny animations (especially when you run up ladders lol) I loved Shadowrun FPS; not just because i'm a huge fan of shadowrun in general, but because it actually was a pretty fun, solid game, before it got taken over by Halo 3.

Definitely hope they do. I loved MAG. It was fun as hell, and I never had lag problems (unless it was ISP related) and the big battles were amazingly fun when you got the hang of things.