
Having been a big fan of all their games (except Socom 4 and I still bought and played it alot) I am genuinely sad. :(

I'm still trying to figure out the mystery behind "the wall" thing they've been advertising on the Dark Souls facebook page, and now this huh?

I had to read Lord Of The flies in my Junior year of High School. My english teacher made us read it as a class. I laughed when piggy died.

I watched Battle Royal 2 times, once in 2004 and again in 2007. It's definitely one of those over-the-top, silly, good fun movies. If you watch it, expecting something compelling, deep, and serious; you're better off watching Beavis and Butthead and expecting them to get laid. Over the top cheesy ass acting with some

But.... but...

I think i'm gonna rent this and see if I personally like it. I was a fan of the first 3 games, didn't try anything else after that but heard bad and "meh" about it.

Very insightful, thanks a lot! :)

Speaking of game dev questions, we have a lot of interesting, knowledgeable, and even devs commenting, and i'd like to ask a question right here, open to anyone to answer.

Oh man, they were running that tebow time shit everywhere, even on main news channels!

I could, and want to say so many things about WoW's current state, and this awful, cheesy, panda and generic asian themed upcoming content blight, but this picture can sum it all up perfectly. :)

They should make him run and scramble like a sloppy a tuna, the way he does in real life.

Some people are stupid and just say really stupid fucking jokes and take it beyond were the stopping line is.

Definitely not a part of mexico. The Spaniards sailed around and decided to occupy tand colonize he Philippines for a few hundred years, I believe starting around... mid 1500's.

I'm calling for blood and genocide on capcom! :P

With all the different provinces, spoken languages and dialects, not even counting the terrorist factions to the south, Philippines can be dangerous as fuck! A lot of white western foreigners that travel there, really don't know jack shit and would do well to be cautious ANYWHERE there.

Philipines has some crazy ass places for sure. The dollar value there is also extremely high, for those that make jokes about that kind of shit.

"Eh, I'd likely destroy you in any game, but I'd rather just beat you at life"

They have no idea....


"I don't think I left out anything relevant"