
YES! I'll pre-order and buy this on PC and Cleric PVP troll, rape, and dominate anyone running around in body form looking to co-op! YES!!!

Huh? Don't know what you're playing, but i've got 8 fully decked out characters across many soul lvls, community still very lively

I'm sorry, but every time I see Infinity Blade, i'm reminded of how much I would LOVE to have a console version, mixed like Diablo, Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, Demons/Dark Souls, and Champs Of Norrath.

Yeah, forreo! Can't stand it!

Please, just go back to the style of Dragon Age: Origins. That game felt like I was actually playing an RPG. I thought the battle system was brilliant! A little bit of Never Winter nights. It kinda felt like a moving, active-time turn based RPG combat system, similar to FFIV, a little bit of Chrono Trigger, but

Yes, I dream of the day when I'll get to see those games come to light.

Get Twisted Metal! The game is solid. The campaign is on the short side but still good, it offers offline 4 player splitscreen with tons of customization options, 2 player offline campaign co-op. It even has 2 player online splitscreen support.

Twisted Metal is guilty as hell for this!

He ratted her out, she must be ugly,

"But those fans don't just want Mega Man. They want something more."

THIS! A million times over!

FF6 was not heavy on the technological feel. I didn't feel that way at all! It felt more olden times with a touch of early 1900's world war 1 looking tech with a dash of fantasy on it.

Same here! It's easy to forget i'm playing a Japanese game even though I sunk hundreds of hours into both of those.

In the original box art, he wasn't stacked with muscle either. Look at him, barrel chest, muscle gut, massive muscle arms and a defined back. he's built like an olympic power lifter. Of course, it's all quickly overlooked by his actions, personality, move set and redunculous costume.

As was expected, X-men Destiny heads speedily to the cheap bin!

Border Lands? Shadows Of The Damned? Mortal Kombat on the PS3 looked and performed very well, as did Unreal Tournament 3.

People still on about the inferior PS3 port rants? You still living in 2009? Outside of Bethesda, Call Of Duty, and some racing games, the gap has closed pretty significantly.

A-frecken-men to that. Honestly. My 8 gigs of DDR 3 RAM with highly overclocked GTX 460 1 gig and 4x phenom black at 3.6 GHZ, and after MANY patches as well as GPU driver updates, still frame dips and it really isn't optimizing my hardware for shit. I'm aware that i'm running a sub 2010 standard machine, but it's

Very true. Having both PS3 and 360, it's fairly obvious that Unreal favors 360 tech.

Routinely? Yeah, maybe before 2010, sure. Battlefield 3 is better on PS3, more visual flare and motion blur not found on 360.