5 interceptions and 2 pick-6s. Yeah, I don’t think Kaepernick could have done better than that.
5 interceptions and 2 pick-6s. Yeah, I don’t think Kaepernick could have done better than that.
Probably more like Bojack Horseman in your comparisent.
A lot of Rick and Morty fans make the show sound worse than it is. Getting hung up on one joke from an episode and just screaming “Pickle Rick”.
A correction I would make is that Rick and Morty die in Season 3 Episode 6.
If Toxic Rick and Toxic Morty are listed as separate characters that die, then Purified Rick and Purified Morty should also be listed as separate characters that die. Which would mean Rick and Morty are effectively dead during the period they…
My roommate that just moved out yesterday (2 days late) after I asked her to leave, owes me over $3500 in back rent and utilities. And even at that amount I don’t think it is worth it to try to take her to court over. One, she probably doesn’t have the money. Two, the time, costs, and effort of taking her to court is…
I looked up mine and all the songs on it are in other playlists I have made. I don’t really find this “eerily accurate”, more “here is a list of songs you listen to now all mixed together with no concern for genre, cause everyone likes going from Wanted Dead of Alive to Freak On a Leash to I Ain’t Mad At Cha and…
...the newest Supreme Court justice spoke today at Trump’s Washington D.C. hotel next week for a conservative legal scholarship group...
We are unloading on an hourly basis massive loads of water and food and supplies for Puerto Rico.
The reporting deputy further requested the State Attorney approve a summons request for one of the juveniles on a charge of assault.
Doesn’t matter what we think. I am talking about his perceived value of his own time. Hell 100 miles you can drive that in under 4 hours. But he thinks his time is worth getting a private jet. That is the major issue. He will always waste money if that is how much he values his time.
I think that is kind of the key thing people need to learn. What exercise program you do doesn’t really matter. As long as it is something that makes you feel good and you can maintain that is the goal.
Personally I hate running and I would rather walk for twice as long, which is what I do. I do a 3 mile walk almost…
Trains?!?! Thought he wanted to get rid of waste. Jump on the Chinatown bus for $20.
So $25,000 instead of say $600, but he save 4 hours at an airport. That is a $24,400 difference or $6,100/hr for his time. That is what he is saying. That his time is worth more than $100 a minute. That he should be paid $12 million a year.
Isn’t checking a bag a solution to this problem? I thought FCC regulations didn’t allow a flight to leave without a passenger that had checked a bag. So if you check your bag your connecting flight can’t leave without you, right?
Beyond that we acknowledge that Wizards are cool in D&D, movies, and games. I don’t get why he thinks that would lead to people joining the KKK. How does he imagine that going?
Kid: I really wish I could be a wizard.
KKK: Join the KKK, we will call you a wizard
Kid: But isn’t racism wrong?
KKK: How about Grand Wizard, and…
I did read his entire memo. And he doesn’t say anything overtly sexist (or racist), but it is clear that he has some pretty strong unconscious sexist views. By which I mean, at one point he makes the claim that because of biology/evolution woman don’t enter the tech industry, then later he says that men are pressured…
You know, after reading his letter and hearing he dropped out of college I always wondered if the truth was this guy was just an idiot. And all the issues he believed were really just him being bad at his job and more talented people (women and men) moving on. Now I am sure of that, as his tweets just show how much of…
A lot of people have already commented about herd immunity. But to clarify a bit more your statement:
one in which the man wants to sleep with the woman while she only thinks of him as a friend
So a woman providing to him those things in return aren’t of equal value?
This is a great article and I very much agree with what I think is your underlying point. There is a huge difference between how men and women view consensual sex and what is acceptable (morally and legally). Now I do think it is much more of an average difference between men and women, the idea being that some men…