
...the California-based engineer-CEO...

I was in fear for my life

Please do that here. every ad has been for respirators all week and lots of them are really sketch.

I’d say that someone who is a professional should take their career more seriously, but he's a fucking teenager. So this sounds like typical teenager shit.

Oh for heaven’s sake... everyone knows that Reese’s Cups are the best tasting thing ever in this history of food. Why are we even talking about this?

Oh for heaven’s sake... everyone knows that Reese’s Cups are the best tasting thing ever in this history of food.

I’m not sure it hold title of BEST Halloween candy, but I will say that putting full size Airheads in my caldron of candy last year had nearly every kid that knocked on my door exclaiming with joy. I’m not sure if it was because they really liked Airheads, or if they were just excited not to see anymore tootsie rolls

I’m not sure it hold title of BEST Halloween candy, but I will say that putting full size Airheads in my caldron of

Na, trolls are just what they act ass, rascist, mean spirited, asshole, bullies and shouldn’t be allowed to have a platform at all.

too bad she didn’t try to kill people with a gun or homemade explosives, she might would have got to broadcast longer

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Best.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Best.

What do you think the National Guard is?


There is zero benefit to the customer when Epic nabs an exclusive for themselves, and several tangible negatives. It’s pretty straightforward to understand, and so thank you for this breakdown.

How many of the Model 3 sales are just Tesla finally fulfilling their multi-year backorder list?

Didn’t PJW post pictures of the video timeline from his own Sony software? Isn’t he the one who made it?

Paul Joseph Watson from Infowars has now admitted he made the video because he’s using a screenshot of his editing software timeline as “proof” that he didn’t speed or slow it down (even though his screenshot proves nothing and actually has multiple cuts in it which wouldn’t be needed if he was just zooming in like

To whom it may concern,

Now playing

I thought there were heavy restrictions on what the FDA was allowed to do with regard to supplements.

Neil Gaiman AND Terry Pratchett.  man I’m sad no new Terry, but this helps.  DON”T FORGET HIM!  SAY HIS NAME!