
If there is no multiplayer for ME3, can you get the best ending?

So just genocide on a galactic scale of sentient beings?

It was just that family, not the species. But still it is pretty creepy how they put a bunch of emotional weight into the need for these eggs to make it to the planet.... and the child just eats a bunch.

Yeah, I can’t wait till Jason Momoa returns for the Chapterhouse: Dune movie and we get to see him sex battle Murbella

Actually it is called Felony Murder Rule. Killing someone, whether intentional or not, while committing a dangerous crime. Like carrying an illegal firearm was a normal, boring debate. You know, nothing amazing happened. And we are going to call for a drug test because there’s no way—you can’t do that.

Not if he violated something like a morals clause in his contract. If he was banned for violating his contract, there could be a penalty clause that contains a non-compete.

Not necessarily. If there are clauses that restrict his behavior even outside of stream, and he was banned based on those. That could me he violated the contract, and there could be penalty clauses that are in effect.

There is one major error in your story. Apple will not be making their own chips. They might design them, but they will still need to go to a third party for the manufacturing. There is no way that Apple is going to invest the billions needed to build a fab. Instead, like AMD or NVidia, they will have to turn to

True, God Emperor Paul with his ability to see the future and guiding all of humanity along his golden path is very similar to Foundation with Seldon predicting the future and leaving a vault of recordings to guide Terminus out of the dark.

Tie a non-sliding knot so that the loop stays the same size when you pull it?

Neither, or both.

1 & 2. You are blaming the victim for the police’s actions. They used violence first and they are the ones that kept escalating the violence until they killed a man. He had their taser, because they used tasers first. He assaulted them resisting because they assaulted him first. This is the issue, police use violence

I think the Fire Sale event is the most impactful. It makes buying back teammates free, so it is almost the same effect as Jail Break. But the discounts are such an advantage that it almost requires that you move to the nearest store.

First Solar produces about 5 gigwatts of solar panels a year. Just because Tesla is the only company you have heard of making strides to sustainability, doesn’t mean they are the only ones. Or even the best

Given that it is Musk’s sixth or seven child and he has for the most part abandoned the others.... he for sure would miss the birth.

It is the loading screen every time you start a match. So you see it many times

If that means our liberal principles must be temporarily compromised, we must find the courage to do it.

I was really hoping that this would be a comedy similar in style to The Pentagon Files about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

I was in fear for my life