
Yeah, because it would have been impossible for her to have been in another part of the building and not exposed to the fire. Good think you put that post in bold and italics! Otherwise no one would have been able to see it!

LOL! Yeah. I believe a guy who has studied bin Laden for almost two decades and had the first television interview with him. Call me crazy.

Or maybe you are completely fucking wrong.

No he wasn't. EDIT: And why in the living fuck would he have been? I mean, I've seen Rambo III was well, but that's not documented history. If bin Laden received anything from the United States, it was indirectly. Osama bin Laden and the United States government have exactly ZERO interests in common.

But, but, false flag! And Illuminati! And spray-on thermite! And George H.W. Bush CIA arglebargle!

You know me well enough to know I've literally never spent more than 5 minutes looking into it? Really? I've watched the "Loose Change" bullshit. I've spent hours reading on the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth website. I've read a number of peer reviewed papers on the subject. My ex father in law is also a

No. I'd rather accept the truth when it is incredibly obvious and not waste my time on conspiracy theories.

We'll go ahead and pit that against the number of scientists and engineers that fully endorse and have provided support for what actually happened. What is that, 200,000? More? Yeah. As with climate science and the theory of evolution by natural selection, I'll accept what the incredible majority of scientists have to

I live in Chatham, Ontario. Crows migrate directly through Chatham, and they make this place their home for a few months every year. Some of them have already moved on, but for a while there were tens of thousands of crows (there could have been more, but I'm terrible at guessing numbers with quantities such as this)

Well, the Queen does kind of look like Frodo.

Now playing

I watched the first 10 seconds of your video, but could only think of this.

I think we all know that this begs the question, were aliens present, not only at the birth of Jesus, but at his wedding? History Channel, get on this shit pronto.

Have you ever thought about why some Atheists are so angry? Have you ever thought about the fact that until only very recently (in the historical sense), Atheists have never been able to talk openly about their beliefs without fearing for their lives? I used to grow frustrated with Richard Dawkins because of how

I don't know how many times I've said the exact same thing you say here, and people have reacted the same way as OmegaLazarus. If I was given definite proof that there is a god or I had some experience that I could only explain by believing in a god, then I would. As it stands, I do not believe that there is a god.

I know. I often feel like the only reason Carter was elected was because America felt guilty for electing Nixon twice. Carter is an awesome human, but he's done more good since leaving the office than he did when he was in office. Every time I see an interview with him I want to hug him.

I'm going out on a limb here, and I don't have anything against him or for him really, but I'm willing to be Jimmy Carter would be pretty low on the list.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that's thought this, but where is the queen alien?

I love how the deniers keep saying "cycles, not enough data, blah, blah, blah," as if the scientists measuring this stuff haven't thought about these aspects of the issue.

I know it was only in jest, but I can't resist.