Note that your response got more likes than your initial comment. Further proof that your mom jokes are, after all these years, still the best comeback.
Note that your response got more likes than your initial comment. Further proof that your mom jokes are, after all these years, still the best comeback.
But how can I be a self-righteous liberal without needlessly suffering a worser fate because: IDEALISM!!
Won’t last long, but for my commute I’m working from the ferry and Mount Rainer looms. It’s much bigger in real life than in the picture...I feel like I’ve needed to use that line a lot lately...
Thanks Obama.
On the other hand, Russia and Trump have said Russia didn’t help elect Trump.
I swear it’s like they want to make sure you know how overpriced the beer is by only providing sub-par beer and still charging you $10 a cup. I love watching games at Safeco Field, but I tend to sneak in my own liquor now so I can keep the cost of the evening under $200. I hope you at least tried the garlic fries.…
Can anyone explain why in the fuck The Phantom Menace is on that list once more than any other movie? Are they trying to make people angry? Fucking no one in the office that day that reviewed that schedule said anything? No one?
This is super easy. Anthony Weiner does not eat snakes. Therefore: sexual mongoose, not a real mongoose.
Thanks a lot for the logical answer. How am I supposed to be FUCKING OUTRAGED ABOUT A FACEBOOK THING now? It’s like you’re expecting the murder of an innocent person by someone that’s supposed to be protecting society to be important enough to overshadow this rather benign indicent that didn’t, in effect, harm a…
March 22nd?!?! Why doesn’t the television schedule conform to my desire to know what the fuck is going on?
So if you only sue seven of the fifty-five women that have accused you of rape, is that a tacit admission that all the others are telling the truth? Doesn’t seem like he thought this one out very far.
For. Fuck’s. Sake.
Little do people know: this is where Armstrong left his keys.
I graduated from University of Idaho in Moscow almost a decade ago, and Wilson had already begun consolidating a strong following there. People in Moscow have been sending up warning flares about this guy and his church for years. He wrote in a 1996 pamphlet, titled “Southern Slavery, As It Was” (which he co-authored…
Not only that, it’s moving at a velocity of 35 km/s (78,830 mph or 12,600 km/h)
One word.......hold on, I need an insulin shot really quick before I do anything else or I’ll die..........okay. One word: Freedom.
I was going to be EXTREMELY disappointed if no one had posted this yet.
Part of the reason we're seeing so many black men killed is that police officers are now best understood less as members of communities, dedicated to keeping peace within them, than as domestic soldiers. The drug war has long functioned as a full-employment act for arms dealers looking to sell every town and village…
Great. Now the Ukranians have zombies. When will this madness end?
This is pretty much why I always feel like I need to say I'm an atheist. If I say "agnostic," religious people seem to think that means I haven't made up my mind about whether religion is total hogwash. Nuance tends to be lost on the dogmatic. In an ideal world, I could say I'm agnostic and not have to explain myself.…