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I would vote for really, really spoiled, like most people who don't understand how much of a technological marvel it is that we can even shoot something at another planet in the first place, much less land it there. I would refer him to the honorable Louie C.K. Simply replace "cell phones" in this monologue with

Jesus Christ. My sons have been begging me to let them watch Star Wars I-III, so we've watched the first two in as many days. I had almost forgotten how fucking atrocious those movies are and how absolutely awful every single line of dialog is (save Sam Jackson's badass delivery of his own lines). I spent the duration

I will submit my 2% is a bit of an exaggeration, but still, I feel like from most of the things I've read (on the Interwebs, so grain of salt and all) seem to indicate that a large majority of scientists agree that our climate is changing.

Just as with the theory of evolution, there is an overwhelming scientific consensus on global climate change. There is also an overwhelming scientific consensus that humans are contributing to global climate change. While your comment makes it obvious that you do not agree with this consensus, I think (or maybe I

I've actually seen the movie since I wrote that post. While I would still argue that the bar for Bay is pretty low in my eyes (although I agree with your assessments of The Rock and the Bad Boys movies, the first of which was and still is fucking awesome), Jesus Harold Christ was Transformers 3 ever an assault on all

I think it's great that he re-used the footage. It gave that poor footage a chance to be in a movie other than The Island, which is probably the shittiest Bay movie in existence, and that's really saying something.

I know that scientists are all about proof for everything, but isn't it kind of a no-brainer that sex with humans stimulates the brain differently than sex with hands (unless, of course, that hand is attached to your hot sex partner)? I mean, I've given myself some pretty sweet orgasms, but sex with other people has

Doesn't all of this jive about Bristol's "secret baby" sound a lot like all of the nonsense about the President's birth certificate. I mean, I know that things surrounding this story may "seem weird," but just something "seems weird" or "is odd" doesn't mean that there is some kind of cover up. These are the same