Greg Ian Riggs

Shut up, tomato.

As a D2 lifer, I still get lost in the aesthetics of places Ive been stomping around for 2 years already. 

It’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. I got back into it the other month so I could beat the latest expansion that went on sale for Days of Play, and they’ve done a significant amount of improvements to the point where if you just play the game, you’re going to get some pretty good loot. The one big downside is

I agree, not participating in the game mechanics is the best way to play D2, preferably for about 30 min at a stretch. I had fun with the game, but logging in to admire in-game artwork is about the only reason I’d boot it up these days

Yeah, no.

like 7 of the first 19 or so stories on Kotaku when I looked were for Prime Day.

Saying you’re ‘boycotting’ a company for a day is a dumb as me saying I’m boycotting Walmart because I’m going tomorrow instead of today. Or that you’re boycotting a movie because you saw it on Sunday instead of Friday. 

Nope, HBO was more than willing to give them even more seasons. D&D just wanted to be done so they could collect those big Disney/Star Wars paychecks (there have been consistent reports at least part of the cast was pretty done with being on the show, as well). 

There’s nothing wrong with having conflicting thoughts and feelings on a complex subject. With respect to team sports I don’t consider the trans athlete question to be that much of an issue. But you are correct that in individual sports - especially ones where there are a relative handful of names that even informed

Yea imperialism is why my JAV are censored! 

Your simple-minded prohibitionist attitude doesn’t mean the British forced anyone to use British opium any more than the Chinese forced the British to use Chinese tea. You might as well claim that Mexico is forcing the US to use drugs manufactured there.

As much as I love Japanese culture, it sounds miserable as all hell to actually live there. Small wonder that salarymen will literally work themselves to death or that people aren’t fucking enough for a replacement population.

Time for HotTake, Baracka, and ActionJohnny to tell us Jorge is a fascist right winger white supremacist who is carrying water for Trump/Bolton/Abrams interventionism and that there is no such thing as legitimate criticism of Maduro.


Reviewing a game like this shouldn’t include shady attempts at slipping in article plugs about company crunch. Just stick to the merits and drawbacks of the game itself.

One of my comments is you are asking for something beyond technical limitations. The NPCs can not exist 100% of the time, doing everything a normal person does before encountering these issues because that would require the game to process the entire world the entire time you’re playing. I understand it feels

It’s crazy to me that there are literally thousands of moments like the one you just described, which have nothing to do with the main character, and yet the writer of this article chose to ignore them in claiming that the game is entirely contrived to reward the player in rote ways. Many of the game’s most rewarding

I would say it’s gotten much better than earlier open world games. Really where it stands out are the interactions that happen at Dutch’s base of operations. For example, it was at night I fixed myself a bowl of stew and was just walking around not prompting any conversations. So I decided to sit in front of the

This is an odd criticism for this game considering nearly every open world does this, and frankly RDR2 does it better than just about anyone else.

Ok I’m gonna be honest I still don’t know what the issue is. I just started playing the game so maybe I haven’t noticed yet. The example you gave of finding the guy bitten by a snake sounds awesome. You helped the guy and it paid off much later. I think your argument about the NPCs seeming like dolls, it’s weird since