Greg Ian Riggs

Should have done Skate 4

Why the the abuse perpetrated by an obviously mental ill person needed to be a industry wide story is suspect. He needed help an was instead cut off and made the subject of scorn. That needs to be part of the conversation. 

Mission accomplished right guys? 

Uh...youre very dumb. 

You're right, we should have a pledge for every country as to not alienate anyone. 

The NPC staff writers of Kotaku almost seem real, but thier need to push every article through a Marxist intersectionalist framework puts cracks in the veneer.

Elevation of market behavior as a virtue did not come about by accident. It is an alternative to government or committee controlled distribution of goods and labor. The 70's saw a complete breakdown of it centrally controlled economies. We are far enough from that time now that people ignorant of history think it’s

Northern European democracies are capitalist.

Great false condescension. Can you name the Socialist government that is not totalitarian currently in existence?

Yes, unlike capitalism which leads to greater freedom and democracy.

Except that communism/socialism leads to massive state control that empowers totalitarian assholes.

It can, don't be dense.

He wants rent control and to lower the price of housing. Good luck there comrade.

Wtf are you talking about?

its good to see the guy from anti hero skateboards has a hobby.

Man...this might be the dumbest comment section on the internet.

Or make you feel the opposite.

This proves equality of the sexes is a myth. His fanbase 90% teen girls.

I am now a gun control advocate.

It’s really bigoted of you to not accept this woman’s true self. SMDH