Greg Ian Riggs

Frankly, we’ve walked into this. Some people on the left have made it taboo for a game to have, heaven forbid, moderately exaggerated depictions of conventionally attractive women. I mean, even last week, we had Anita Sarkeesian (who fortunately is mostly irrelevant now, but her impact is lasting) lambasting the

crunch absolutely sucks, but paid crunch is a lot better. a lot of studios toss your salary at you then heave extra expectation on top of you in exploitive ways. if you’re crunching all the time uncompensated, that’s one thing. if you’re only crunching at important deadlines and getting paid for it, that’s something

Ssssh, just let the white people be offended on your behalf

No. Someone was offended on behalf of you. God people are fucking stupid.

As a Hispanic person (though not Mexican), please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally fine.

You do realise that the installments include 24 months of access to Live gold and gamepass?

This feels like I’m eavesdropping on a therapy session.

The fact that you had to go to the hills to find equally bad acting kind of shows how bad her acting is. 

I thought that was her worst scene. Like she knows how to act out the emotions but she doesn’t know how to make them feel like they’re coming from a character so it always feels disconnected.

I was more thrown by it when she was acting in a scene with the equally awful Sergei. Now I’ve written it off as a Mamet-esque tick - like the acting in “House of Games” - so I can move past it. But yeah, not sure why she’s carrying the show.

It’s pretty bad... and interesting that it was somewhat intentional in parts of this episode (where she was acting like she was acting). Hopefully she gets better as the show goes on.

Yes, thank you! She’s awful in this. 

This. Complete miscasting, she does appear to have good chops otherwise.

I haven’t seen the third episode yet, but her acting is terrible, and she’s the main character(!).

Is anyone thrown off by Lily’s bad acting? Maybe it’s because she’s not used to a starting role but it’s hurting my enjoyment of the show. 

It’s about time they get an Indian actor to play a character that has been so unfairly stereotyped as a, *checks notes* successful business owner with a PhD, Springfield’s most eligible bachelor, youth hockey coach, volunteer firefighter, member of Homer’s bowling team, barbershop quartet, and vigilante group, and a

That’s another target off Zoe’s list.

These kinds of responses are disgusting. You know damn well what I said and you've decided to skew it in a purposeful attempt to seem witty and sarcastic. An internet hate mob harassed someone accused of something and he killed himself. That's what happened. No one said he was murdered. I said internet vigilantes with

There was no substantiated accusations they were unfounded accusations and Zoe Quinn using the weapons of guilt by accusation and guilty until proven innocent murdered this man and you are an accomplice after the fact.

I’ve read the reddit post with the devs statement about the situation but I still think they made the wrong choice by publicly cutting ties with Alec so soon after the allegations came out, yes they say there was already history of Alec being unstable but by their own admission they didn’t know about how abusive he