Greg Ian Riggs

Oh thank god.

Chicago needs jobs...why hasn’t anyone else thought of that?

I DM a few games of D&D on Roll20. I’ve seen a lot of transexual people looking for groups and I just invited a trans girl to a game. She has a great character idea.

No, disobeying the police is never a good idea. I can’t believe I had to type that sentence.

OH man this look so much better cuz they are Asian.

Learn the rules and offer to be the DM is the best way to start if you don’t have any friends that are experienced in Dnd.

And if you don’t have friends that want to play go on and start a game there. If you want to DM you will get tons of offers to join your game.
The ratio is about 20/1 Dm to player.

Yeah, again, you are one stupid motherfucker. Why don’t you go burn some books or something genius.

Beer pong? Get the fuck out of here frat boy.

Because you are one ignorant mofo.

You really think that “Der hur you used a big word” is a valid repsonse to my critique? You’re one dumb fucker.


Ahhhh, you learned a new word. Cute.

I’m sure you are hit at the parties you are not invited to.

Oh if you weren’t in a thoughtful mood you would call me a racist bully. K.

The reason there is no MLK for this generation is because POC of skill and talent are out getting paid. Thanks to work done by leaders like MLK.

Take off your hair shirt, you haven’t done anything wrong.

This is art critique for people who have nothing to say about art. “a white person did it” is not what I would call a deep and insightful statement about this art.

This is racist and stupid.

I think it is on the people making this charge to explain why. And that has not been done with any clarity here.

I never raped, hung,robbed anybody and i don’t believe in original sin.