Greg Ian Riggs

And fucking get rid of gendered washrooms. They should all be universal. Everyone poops the same, for christssakes.

Alarming is an Exaggeration.

You do understand the people running this account are not the same people making the game, right?

Their lives are so hard they cannot take a pun? 

Ill pass. Women’s bathrooms are completely disgusting, I have no idea how but it seems like they make a sport of it.

This is a ridiculous take. I’m a straight white male and I really don’t want to share a public bathroom with women. I don’t think most women would be conformable allowing potentially creepy men to share the same bathroom as them. Not to mention the safety of young children. 

Jesus fucking christ this is some conclusion

In every creative career, be it journalism, creating artwork or photography, or even writing code, there’s this thing called “the zone”. Where you’re working on something you enjoy, or is particularly engaging and you discover that what feels like an hour has passed, is actually 4. Those 12-14 hour days you worked..

As you delve into this story have you considered comparing these conditions to those in less glamorous industries? Crunch is quite common all over. Attorneys have court dictated deadlines they absolutely can not miss. Accountants have tax season. Maintenance downtime in refineries has an extremely high daily loss

So, you’ve been working non stop since those comments were published. You’ve worked more than 100 hours a week!!! Who is your crunch forcing boss? Can we start another crunch story in the media? Horrible! 

R* dev here. You literally just said you’ve been working NON STOP... Do you not see the irony between your statement and the articles you published about Dan saying the exact same thing? Honestly man the only thing all of this nonsense is doing is taking away from what’s really important, this game. Been working on it

Didn’t read anything about Rockstar telling them to share positive stories. Seems like you’re creating a narrative to fit the emotions you want to have.

Those “reasons” are the USSR, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Venezuela, and Greece.

That’s pretty dumb to say.

Most of the commenters here have IQs under 100.

Nothing scares off investors, especially foreign investors, like the threat that the government may swoop in and take everything. Economies thrive on stability and this is going to cause massive chaos.

No, I won’t shut the fuck up. But tens of thousands of black South Africans WILL STARVE TO DEATH in the next few years. LOL!

This time will be different!

No sympathy for the blacks who will starve to death due to their stupidity and inability to plan ahead for the future. They will get what is coming to them.

And the flow of foreign capital into South Africa will come to an abrupt halt, throwing the economy into a tailspin from which it is unlikely to ever recover.