Greg Ian Riggs

You could aslo say in a similar way that it is black people’s fault we have Trump since they didn’t vote for Hillary, the way they did Obama.

It’s still racist and stupid, just like blaming Trump on white people.

Wow, what an enlightened argument.

Ideas you don’t understand should definitely be demonized.

So? Something tells me you have kicked around the false stat that white christian terroist have the highest body count in America since 911.

Wait...whites experiencing a demographic displacement is an extreme point of view? I’ve heard this opinion stated as fact by many liberal people gloating that the GOP was dead.

You two are truly retarded.

Holy shit man, you have too much time on your hands. TLDR.

Sure, you don’t see how it is necesary, btu you want me to go tell my neighbors how you think I feel.

Please, you repeatedly made the case that crime was lowering in NYC due to gun control laws.

oh god. I pointed out there race to give context to my surroundings you fucking dolt.

That’s because you’re dumb. I called my neighborhood shitty, not my neighbors.

“Why not? Do you have proof that the crime drop wasn’t correlated to Bloomberg, Pataki and de Blasio’s strict gun laws?”

Disingenuous? You have yet to name one gun law bill that could account for NYC precipitous drop in crime.

How would a trigger lock law effect violent crime, since that’s what you are asserting.

You just googled Giuliani and found out about this law...and you are trying to claim that you have a working knowledge of the factors that lead to a reduction in crime? Bullshit.

You are right that Giuliani liked gun control at one point, you are incorrect that this law would have any effect on violent crime.

“That’s not even touching your cowardly comment about Black and Hispanic people in your own neighborhood.”

Trigger locks are about keeping children safe from guns kept in home. There is no way this would have a measurable effect on violent crime.

I can say that...because there is no correlation between a gun control law and the precipitous drop in crime around 2000.

I cannot prove a you understand this? If you think that gun control is a major factor, you need to point to the specific gun control law that helped the drop in crime.

The great reduction in crime didn’t occur until 2000.

You are making specific claim that gun control is responsible for the drop in violent crime in NYC, please point to the gun control law that correlates with this drop in crime starting in 2000.