
I'd love to see a good ELRIC movie.

To be fair, the premise was hardly run-of-the-mill back in the 1950's when the book was first published. That was long before George Romero popularized the idea of a zombie apocalypse. At the time, I AM LEGEND was the probably most innovative vampire novel since DRACULA . . . .

Hey, anything that gets more people to read the original book sounds like a great idea to me. The last movie put Richard Matheson's classic novel on the New York Times bestseller list for the first time in fifty-plus years, which means hundreds of thousands of new readers discovered the book because of the movie. So

In general, Starfleet seems to frown on using time-travel to change history. Even in STIV, they're weren't trying to change history, just retrieve a couple of whale so they could save their present. And in episodes like "City on the Edge of Forever" or FIRST CONTACT, they were trying to FIX a timeline that had

As a lifelong fan of the original Trek, I thought blowing up Vulcan was a great way to drive home that fact that this was a brand new timeline where anything could happen—and not just a prequel to forty years of pre-established continuity. They needed to shake things up.

I don't think anybody but hardcore comics fans even remembers the Birds of Prey tv series anymore. It's old news at this point.

I don't know. Fantastic Voyage strikes me as the perfect candidate for a remake. The original film is fondly remembered, but there's certainly room for a new version with modern special effects. And I'm sure they can find someone to fill Raquel's wetsuit! :)

Bizarrely, there are also "Reapers" on GRIMM. We need a new creepy plural noun!

That's supposed to be the claws of a cat, but perhaps that's not coming across in the art . . . .

The Mandarin and Brainiac have also gone through more makeovers than I can keep track of.

I admit I'm intrigued by DARK SHADOWS . . .

Wait! What about that old Hammer flick, TWINS OF EVIL. That did the evil vampire twin thing long before Willow . . . and starred a couple of Playboy models to boot!

Shane was also kind of evasive when it came to how exactly Otis died. Nobody else seemed to pick up on this, but, as noted, Dale hasn't trusted Shane since he caught Shane drawing a bead on Rick way back when.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the trailer . . . .

It wasn't "nominal" at all. The Will Smith movie put I AM LEGEND on the New York Times bestseller list—for the first time in fifty-plus years. It actually got up to #2 on the Fiction List.

Rule of thumb: if a movie has the word "Final" or "Last" in the title, there will always be a sequel. FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER, FREDDY'S DEAD: THE FINAL NIGHTMARE, STAR TREK: THE FINAL FRONTIER, INDIANA JONES & THE LAST CRUSADE, etc.

Except that everybody says this, and then they go to the sequels anyway. Take a look at the top-grossing movies every year. Chances are, most of them are franchise flicks: the latest Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean, Transformers, Iron Man, etc. Hollywood is just giving the general public what it wants.

So, any news on Real Steel 2?

Is The Bronze actually a bar? It sure seemed to cater to underage high school students!

What's the name of that Fae bar on LOST GIRL?