something something Octopussy something something
My life has forever been and will forever be free of Young Sheldon because I have made the choice not to watch it.
Yes eventually it became clear he was a paying guest but he stubbornly remained black.
No, that was on the previous attempt. We now need Lost in La Mancha 2
In the comics, post-WWII, he was working with Fury in SHIELD being a black, spandexed James Bond, romanced Peggy Carter, and fought Godzilla. He was basically Jim Brown in The Dirty Dozen four years earlier, and without dying.
For the record, Stan didn’t write Falcon as an ex-pimp, that was some time down the line with Steve Englehart. And then pretty much ignored, until Priest brought Snap Wilson roaring back like a big middle finger to everyone else who wanted to ignore it.
People usually attribute this sort of thing to “cognitive dissonance” but it’s more confirmation bias. People remember anything that supports what they want to believe and ignore everything else.
“there is an expression you often see on T-shirts and bumpers stickers that goes more or less like this: “Jesus Said It. I Believe It. That Settles It.”
This guy ran for President so that people would play Hail to the Chief and stand up when he entered a room. That’s about it.
It’s taken me most of my lifetime to come to understand what narcissism is and what it really means, having been raised by one. That’s helped me understand what we’re seeing in this presidency. To a narcissist, everything must be about the narcissist; but at at the same time, everything is also a conspiracy against…
Trump is the embodiment of the American Dream for a depressing number of people in this country. It’s not so much the money or power, but having enough of it that it can allow you to say an infinite number of stupid things without threat to your status or livelihood.
Black unemployment was incredibly low during Washington’s presidency. Not many people know that.
The coat was clearly Villanelle’s escape pack. It would allow her to disappear with cash and a new passport but obviously Anna didn’t know that package was hidden in there,
The amount of offense she took over Kostantin hitting her with a log was hilarious. She’s so used to people either not resisting, or not resisting hard enough.
This summer, Vin Diesel is Mrs. Dalloway
‘Definitive’ Sherlock Holmes is so subjective. If you’re with a group of die-hard Sherlockians - as in they can tell you how many brothers Moriarty had and what their names and occupations were - and want to have some fun, just casually say ‘Jeremy Brett has to be considered the definitive Sherlock Holmes,’ then step…
Myrna said Asta made it into the Time's crossword puzzle before she did!