Heck, as far back as 2016, Trump warned that he would only consider the election legitimate if he won.
Heck, as far back as 2016, Trump warned that he would only consider the election legitimate if he won.
Nice piece--and right on target.
See also THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE from the seventies in which a horny ghost convinces a young medium that, because he died a virgin, his frustrated spirit cannot rest until he gets some.
It doesn’t end well for her . . ..
Fun article, but the Trekkie in me has to point out the Original Series was not nearly as “utopian” as TNG and as for the Vulcans generally being pretty much all right prior to Solok, let’s not forget that Spock’s fiancee plotted to have him killed just to get out of an arranged marriage (in the very first ST episode…
Regarding the Twilight Zone tragedy, we should note that two children were also killed in the accident, not just Morrow.
Psst. Your TV is not malfunctioning. The first act of THE WIZARD OF OZ is supposed to be in black-and-white.
Seriously, I remember a theater in NYC that put up hand-written signs at the ticket windows explaining that “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” was in Chinese with English subtitles. Guess there must have been too…
Honestly, did anybody in the world really think that Superman was going to stay dead? Hell, even BATMAN V. SUPERMAN ended with a teaser shot of the earth vibrating over his grave (or so I recall.). And then there’s the fact that Henry Cavill is billed second in the credits in the first opening minutes of the movie.
When Thawne complained that Nazi Arrow and Overgirl had jumped the gun by attacking the wedding, Nazi Arrow explained that they had seen an opportunity and taken it . . . so I guess they thought Supergirl would be more vulnerable away from her turf?
I mean, next they’ll be casting a Mexican actor as an Indian warlord! :)
(Hi Ricardo Montalban!)
They’re getting there. Just in the last few days I’ve seen editorials and columns in the New York Times and USA Today basically stating that the President is an impulsive child with no self-control and no attention span, who is incapable of really understanding anything about policy or diplomacy.
Let it be noted that the movie was based on a novel by Graham Masterton, who ended up writing several sequels to THE MANITOU.
Not in the least. Most of the eye-rolling has been at the implication that people can’t possibly share a meal with a member of the opposite sex without all manner of dire temptations arising. Never mind it they happen to be business associates, long-time friends, or whatever. Because why would a man possibly want to…
So the guy who pushed the birther nonsense for YEARS, and also insinuated that Ted Cruz’s father might have had something to do with assassinating JFK is complaining that he’s the victim of unsubstantiated allegations?
Can you say poetic justice?
I apologize on behalf of Pennsylvania. Trust me, I didn’t vote for Toomey.
Reminds me of the time The Village Voice described WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? as “a triumph of vulgar post-modernism.”
My thoughts exactly. :)
I remember a school bus driver handing these out back in the day. At the time, I was too young to appreciate just how wildly inappropriate this was.
I love this. She’s obviously having fun.
See, this is why I should have had kids when I was younger. So that somebody could explain “streaming” to me. :)
Have the “Million” Pissed-Off Moms ever been right about anything?
Rule of thumb: if the Moms are condemning something, it must have something going for it.
“Criminals are a cowardly and unnutricious lot. I shall be come . . . chocolate-strawberry!”