I love the clean, colorful, cartoony art style. It’s a pleasure to read and really stands out in today’s comic-book market.
I love the clean, colorful, cartoony art style. It’s a pleasure to read and really stands out in today’s comic-book market.
I’m really enjoying this run on the character. And the art is gorgeous.
Short version: Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln crash a (real-life) summit meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev in order to foil a sinister plot involving, yes, poisoned jellybeans.
Woody technically plays “Jimmy Bond,” 007’s nebbishy nephew.
My favorite part of the first CASINO ROYALE is the “Mata Bond” sequence in East Berlin; I would’ve watched an entire movie about Bond’s superspy daughter. The bit with David Niven in Scotland, on the other hand, drags on interminably and is never as funny as it’s supposed to be..
Great soundtrack, too.
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I confess I was hoping for serious discounts on books and movies, not electronic hardware or vacuum cleaners or baby wipes or even an “electric milk frother.”
What the heck is a “milk frother”? :)
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I confess I was hoping for serious discounts on books and movies, not…
Does it strike anyone else as odd that there don’t seem to be any deals on, er, books?
Given that amazon started out as a bookseller .....
Does it strike anyone else as odd that there don’t seem to be any deals on, er, books?
Given that amazon started out…
Nothing personal, but just once I would love to read a comment thread on one of this lists where *somebody* didn’t protest that Such-and-Such “isn’t really science fiction!”
Muldaur actually appeared in two different eps, playing different characters: "Return to Tomorrow" and "Is There in Truth No Beauty?"
To be even more nitpicky, it was possibly the first black/white kiss on a scripted, prime-time, American TV drama. Not counting variety shows, soap operas, British shows, etc.
It was certainly ONE of the first and most famous interracial kisses on television, but the frequently-repeated claim that it was THE first…
But XENA always had the best clip shows. Just saying . . ..
Heck, look at the very first episode NBC chose to air: "The Mantrap." Uhura is flirting shamelessly with Spock right from the beginning: "Tell me about the moons on your planet, Mister Spock."
Throw in her serenading him in "Charlie X," just a few episodes later, and viewers back in 1966 could be forgiven for…
But there's nothing in "The Naked Time" to indicate that he made up the bowling alley or was hallucinating in any way. He was drunk and uninhibited, not deranged. As far as I'm concerned, the bowling alley is canon. :)
There's also supposedly a swimming pool, which has shown up in some of the novels . . ..
I can't listen to more than a few minutes of the audio versions of my books. Ditto for the occasional filmed interview or whatever.
You can add Barnabas Collins (from "Dark Shadows") and Vincent (from the original "Beauty and the Beast" TV series) to this list.
Leaping lizards!
You should also check out An East Wind Coming by Cover, in which immortals in the future roleplay Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper.
You know, I assumed that this article was going to be about some homophobic meltdown over "rainbow" cake being gay propaganda, but apparently you don't even need a hot-button issue for a comments thread to go insane . . ..
Cave woman, dinosaurs, and special effects by Ray Harryhausen? Sounds like sci-fi to me.