
I don't know. "Snow White" was never really about the Prince. I mean, it's not like the original version was called "Prince Charming and the Seven Dwarves" or "The Thrilling Adventures of Prince Charming" . . . .

Speaking as someone who has never seen the UK version (we don't get BBC America, sorry), I've been enjoying it. And, to answer your question, it leans much more toward drama and angst thatn comedy. It's a bloody horror story, not a sitcom.

The Lugosi fan in me is obliged to point out that WHITE ZOMBIE was a talkie, not a silent film.

TCM still shows silent movies on a regular basis. Granted, that's targeted at cinephiles but it's a large enough demographic that TCM is part of my basic cable package alone. In the last year alone, I've watched several old Lon Chaney Sr. movies—and the original silent version of THE MARK OF ZORRO. And I got a

If STAR TREK IV is to be believed, Harold Robbins and Jacqueline Susan will someday be remembered as the greatest writers of the twentieth century . . . .

One has to wonder at what point the networks start getting jaded about these things and stop paying attention. I mean, at this point, is it just expected that the cancellation of some culty genre show automatically means a few weeks of getting Twinkies in the mail or whatever?

True, but often the "saved" show merely limps through one more season of declining ratings (and often shrinking budgets) before finally being put out of its misery . . .

Okay, this looks plenty trashy. But how does it stack up against WEREWOLF IN A GIRLS' DORMITORY? Or THE HOWLING 2: YOUR SISTER IS A WEREWOLF? Or WEREWOLF OF WOODSTOCK? My point being that there's plenty of competition for the title of trashiest werewolf movie ever.

One can argue, I suppose, that that third season STAR TREK gave it enough episodes to go into syndication, allowing the Star Trek phenomenon to blossom over time.

Yeah, in the long run, it's more like a temporary stay of execution . . . .

To be fair, Woola (the cute animal sidekick) is in the original novel.

But there is STAR TREK/LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, on sale now!

Never mind your doctor. What about your dentist?

But I'm confused: Christopher Plummer has already done a Trek movie . . . :)

I with you. Downey is always fun, whoever he's playing, but the new SHERLOCK tv series blows the movies away.

True, but the problem is that, when talking about movies, people often don't distinguish between commercial and artistic flops, causing people to talk past each other and make false assumptions about marketability.

Add DAREDEVIL and SPECIES to the list. I've often run into people who assumed both films bombed at the box office—because they couldn't imagine that they had actually made money.

It's not just "nowadays." Doomsday scenarios have dominated sf movies since the 50s at least. Remember all the alien invaders and giant radioactive monsters at the drive-ins, all the seventies-era dystopias like SOYLENT GREEN and LOGAN'S RUN, the post-apocalyptic eighties with THE ROAD WARRIOR and ESCAPE FROM THE

It's been postponed until 2013.

Yay right back. Lord, was I obsessed with that show back in the day . . .