
Did you read the article? Re-read it. I'm saying you excusing things is the exact attitude that is helping Zim. The laws as written are flawed [compare to ANY other state minus Texas]. Violent gang members have literally been let off the hook because of the way FL SYG and SD laws are written [this has been an issue

That has nothing to do with it and is a logical fallacy. Your appeal to emotion takes away the real crime here and that is that Florida MUST change their standard self-defense and SYG laws.

They were not allowed to, as stated by the judge because they [wrongly stated] they could not show he sent them [which is why the pics were so important]. This goes against over a decade of case-law in FL used to charge white-collar criminals and drug dealers. They use A-GPS and could easily link it to the location

This is illogical. Both sides picked them. Many have children. Many have pets. They are all female. There were other AA choices during the original jury selection. So an all female jury is ok but race isn't? This was about two males, using your logic, more males should be on the jury.

Given the "example" they made of him, this isn't sloppy. This is SOP to force a viewpoint. This was on purpose[the judge stated the texts didn't matter and couldn't be shown to have been sent by him, which is wrong and thousands of other cases use the case-law that it is assumed via A-GPS signals and Walgreens video

This is the problem with making a public example of a case right after a Lt Gov gets into hot water[for unrelated matters] while far worse cases were going on everyday [but didn't hit as many heart-strings]. Typical Florida, so glad I only lived there for a year. To be fair, the illegal BS goes both ways there [for

The actors in this may have been motivated by race, but the laws themselves are the real crime. By focusing on the emotion not only is it a logical fallacy, but it ignores the larger problem of extended privs given to gun owners in this situation. If you read the law [self defense not SYG], it is horrible. SYG is even

The state dropped the ball and ruined any chance they have for justice this round.

Those have too many calories, so the surplus is a waste. That caloric intake is not needed. I already showed you how to get healthy foods for the same price. Even quinoa is healthier within those caloric needs and cheaper given the macro/micro-nutrient profiles... shit, even white rice and black beans by weight.

I will answer both questions.

Stop using Safari.

Yes, but an action was required to hear said dick. If that was not the case, I would be completely on her side. If someone was shouting the same shit from a street corner I would be on her side. That was not the case. She took an action to agro the entire feed update [unless settings were altered] of an individual.

Why you so Po'boy

I'm just going to leave this over here:

Plot twist: She's keeping it up to sell more books

Correlation does not imply causation:

People are objective enough to be able to see if they are not right by realizing they may be in the fallacy zone. You can easily correct illogical thought if you are open and objective enough to search for facts and reasoning. I recommend you start here and save this:

Anecdotal evidence does not a fact make.

You are unaware of my life. I went to an inner city school in redneck NC with parent(s depends on time) too proud to get social programs. Our school was still using 286/386 units when I was there. I literally walked up to the office when I found out in 4th grade that we weren't getting funding / a real lab and or

Saw this, made me think of you. I actually have more trouble with this due to the data on leg muscles in women.