Yes, posting a link because you have no point or logic to make totally works.
Yes, posting a link because you have no point or logic to make totally works.
I stated it was not everyone. I stated that I figured out fixes for certain flaws. Not every flaw, but specific ones. Passing on tricks is by no means harmful. That is the problem with infantizing people. You can bring people up while teaching them tricks and responsibility. Those things are NOT mutually exclusive. Do…
That does not apply to this SPECIFIC situation. If BO was not involved I would agree with you. He was and we have evidence of his past and how it unfolded. This is apples and oranges. It is a logical fallacy to believe otherwise. You seem to think I believe things that I don't. You assume because I can see the flaw…
He would have due to colorism and class. He wouldn't have ever been in a neighborhood like that because his white grandparents had money. Class is statistically more important than race or sex. All are very important, but class is #1 [today that is, this was not always the case also depending on state]. He also…
Perspective? I spent years of my early youth learning on a 286 via BBS / Usenet to UNC/Duke by pestering my inner city school and putting a box in the office. Do I have genetic privilege?
I don't like the reaction stance or the original stance. This is all rooted in the assumption that he is faithful.
"I love the fact that I'm bad at [things], you know what I'm saying? I'm forever the 35-year-old 5-year-old. I'm forever the 5-year-old of something." ~ Kanye West
Touching in response to non-touching is never ok. Ever.
Two wrongs make a right is a logical fallacy.
Been there done that. You don't get it. I was one of those who "got out" in a very very big way. I understand that i am the exception to the rule, but many programs I created are still in place. I had no priv. You assume I did. I thank my faults and autism for allowing me to ignore the emotional aspects and create…
I'm not talking about taxing the poor. Where do you extrapolate that from? Have you read the bill yet? I think you'll understand better once you read the bill. Most people who are fat will be contributing to AHA as they will be forced to. Please read the bill.
I'm not phrasing anything. It's not my policy. This is Obama's policy and his recommendations / logic. I just happen to agree with it. If you're going to undertake a massive operation where lives matter, you can't run it like a DMV. The poor are being taxed too on this, as less full timers will be on. So you're…
I never said it would trickle down. Trickle down is a myth invented by rich republicans. What I am saying is the care would be better per person. You see the lines in the UK and Canada sometimes, running out of things. This is less likely to happen with a more efficient base system. This has nothing to do with trickle…
How? First I will address the debt claim. I'm talking about a post-medicaid or traditional insurance only world being unveiled now. I helped create the software that moved CUBS out of the top DC market so I know quite a bit about that end. The affordable healthcare act makes many of these claims and debts a thing of…
I know, I mentioned them because the comparison of BO and TM are not the same at all making it irrelevant. People know his background because they won't have ran a full black individual in a serious way. Colorism tied to racism. It gives him a leg up in the same way that having a white voice as a black male would. The…
I never said white people are oppressed? In fact I said the opposite [being the majority consumers of social programs]. Why do you insist on telling me I said something I did not? You have yet to show me evidence of your stance. The burden of proof is now on you.
So you cannot show that anything I said was incorrect, requiring you to lower yourself to a… . Sad.
I moved because I coded alot from home and at that time was remote-connecting to work in another country [the corp was located in Canada for a hint]. I simply could not be distracted to that degree as it was costing me money. I also felt duped. I was not scared, I was angry. I did the math and discovered that over…
I did look at the issue and it overwhelmingly impacts whites more simply due to population [just as foodstamps are moreso a white issue in total number. I do not cherry-pick. I go by total number not per-capita every single time.]