
Next you’ll try to tell me that minor league baseball inflates numbers, like when our failed teams would say the attendance was 6,000 (in a 8,000 seat stadium) even though there was nobody sitting beyond first and third base except four or five kids hoping for a foul ball.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of cars with large sums of money thrown into customizing them but which have large body parts missing.

So clearly, we know the goal is to keep McCain coverage as close to wall-to-wall on Fox News, especially Fox and Friends, as possible. Given that we have alternating viewings and services the next four days followed by burial Sunday, it might be an achievable goal.

Even VOA has had a decent record, though we in the US haven’t really been exposed to it (by law, previously). Clearly having an independent board overseeing the editorial independence would be critical, but again, the (not-just-country-ass) republican vs the media problem will be tricky.

And to the obligatory “BUT BUT BUT if there’d been a good guy with a gun there!!”, guess what— people still would have been fucking shot that didn’t need to be. I’m fucking done with hearing any excuse that involves firing a weapon in a crowded space as the way to prevent someone from firing a weapon in a crowded

They’re few and far between around here. 

They don’t know (or don’t want to know) the facts, but what if just maybe this batshit concept were true? And you can’t prove it wrong, because they won’t trust anything from a source they don’t blindly accept as the gospel.

American voters who care about the potential for legalization need to seriously make it an issue with the people being elected to the House and Senate. The chance of legalization at the federal level is slowly growing, but until that becomes either a campaign issue or something that candidates can be pushed into

Did he make bad choices and use 4th grade level pidgin-text-speak before he began a career of cranial abuse?

You forgot that they and Rand Paul, plus the one and only TOMI LAHREN will be making a two day bus rampage around Arizona at the end of this week to try to scavenge enough votes together.

They’re only OK with the Christian-flavored ones. You know, the type that are honored to have Mike Pence speak at commencement.

She posted a picture of a partial college transcript on her Facebook page and then later that day posted a picture of her sitting with her mother and holding a copy of a diploma”

But this bumps into the same issue as those saying to stop carrying his rally speeches on cable news— it just becomes fodder for him to claim the liberal media doesn’t want you to see all his WINNING. He pulled that shit early in the primaries before CNN was carrying his every word live, and they caved. He doesn’t

I had to direct some TV broadcasts of our now-failed local indy league team, all on days where it was still above 105˚ for the 7pm first pitch, and from a non-air-conditioned press box. We had a manager get ejected from one game and take about 12 minutes to saunter and zig-zag his ass from home plate all the way to

I was hoping to find a clip of the Phillies pitcher (Pivetta?) that threw the pitch in the dirt about 45 feet from the plate. I was amazed the Fox Trax managed to even track it on that short of a trajectory.

Similar concept. You can choose who, if anyone, sees your location. Doesn’t stop them from seeing your public story getting shitfaced without them though.

Yeah, millennials will never question why your website refers to your pizza as having “cheese made from mozzarella”.