
Link to legit preorder location?

Link to legit preorder location?

I’ve never bought a rental, but every time I’ve bought a car I’ve gone into it with the mindset that I’m going to keep it until it’s no longer mechanically sound. So by the time I’m ready to get rid of a car, I’m not expecting much for sale/trade-in. But if you’re someone who likes to switch it up every few years,

Actually, the entirety of the next President’s first term will probably be eaten up with undoing all the stupid shit. Some of it will take decades.

The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.

Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point 

Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point 

Watch it closely, and it’s more clear what happened. He came too far out of the box, I guess thinking he could just field the ball and kick it away, but the bounce it took was going over his head and there was an opposing player right there to scoop it up and score. A handball to stop a clear goal-scoring opportunity

Let’s just steal the coin flip from the NFL: Home team gets to call it, and winning team gets to choose rocket balls for the evening or the DH.

Iit’s about time that MLB demands similar levels of tax-incentive grifting from their minor league affiliates to ensure the stadiums are at a certain level as their parent clubs do. Frankly I'm shocked it took them this long.

Good Head, Boner Combine To Get FCUM All Over The Internet

The San Diego Chargers had a great location and lots of fans, they were just missing a sufficiently well-endowed owner.

This is such bullshit. This was one of the main outlets I read, because I can read the same shit elsewhere, but it’s less funny, and the comments literally everywhere else on the internet are completely and utter trash.

The slowness by which Bills fan bystanders tend to him (not to mention the fact they held onto their beers) is as 1:1 on-brand as it gets.

Yeah, I’m guessing that the “birth control” being offered by a lot of these clinics is abstinence. 

Probably some dentists.

Crisis pregnancy centers are one concerning possibility. 

The only reason I’m not more of an alarmist about this is because Trump’s most fervent supporters are also establishment sycophants that prefer to do their “winning” from the comfort of their La-Z-Boys with Fox News warbling in the background. This isn’t to say that there aren’t any Trump supporters that would answer

All of that coming from such an obvious candy-ass.

It’s been their strategy since 2015 and it's worked so far.

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?