Read that headline as Grin and assumed that Chevron ad was wreaking havoc.
We flat out told them we knew we could get the FJ for sticker (mind you, this was when they first came out and we’d be waiting 3-4 months for it) and they were adamant we’d pay more in Phoenix. We laughed and left.
Sounds right for the dealers in my area too. They lied and gouged people on PT Cruisers during that initial hype, and tried to mark up a base FJ Cruiser that my then-wife wanted by almost $8,000 over sticker, using the ‘market value adjustment’ dealers here use on almost all cars as their gamble you won’t drive three…
I’m thinking it’s part of a seatbelt.
*sees great deal on something I want*
*sees great deal on something I want*
So people here in Arizona can claim that it’s 143˚ right now, since that what their seven year old Honda says.
It’s gonna get ugly when Phoenix and Tucson have to cough up a ton of their water, since they’re lowest on the river totem pole (the concession made decades ago to get them more water was to make them first to lose when supply got tight— great plan). But I live in an agriculturally-dependent area ON the Colorado,…
I started to ask how in the hell they’re still able to build waterski-friendly subdivisions on top of the 43,000 golf courses in the Palm Springs area, but a quick glance at Google confirmed my suspicions— it’s fed from a canal of Colorado River water, 140 canal-miles or so away. Meanwhile the river dries up at the…
What percentage of people hit by trains end up cited or charged for it?
Yeah. Some weeks are brutal. It’s thru Yahoo. You have an “A-list” and B and C. You choose two players each from the A and C list, and 4 from the B for each week, half of which are active for each day. They score based off how many strokes off the best score of the day each player is, with bonuses for the top couple…
Yeah. I didn’t know it until last year when my then-girlfriend recruited me into her brother’s league. Broke up a year ago, but I’m still in the league, well ahead of both of them. ha ha
Considering how badly he’s burned me on fantasy golf every time I’ve played him, I’m screwed no matter what I decide Wednesday night.
On behalf of southwestern Arizona, no.
On behalf of southwestern Arizona, no.
Would the Phillies be willing to trade him to the DBacks for Fernando Rodney?
I think that might be a tricky costume. At least it’s a desert creature. Plus he made even more sense at the time, being a bobcat for a team who played at BOB (Bank One Ballpark).
True. And I expected the already smallish crowd to drop. I was just amazed that it was that drastic.
Commentator makes a good point though... if the wall is padded, why the hell is there a metal seat (and whatever the footguard looking thing is) there, especially if nobody’s sitting in the damn thing? That’s like putting a security guard at a desk in the warning track of a baseball field.