Nope, over here in Yuma.
Nope, over here in Yuma.
You should really try living in a city where the Marines do a mass evacuation drill twice a year and land Ospreys in city parks, and in years past have even collected your city council and convoyed them in armored vehicles to the extraction point across town. I’ve seen more F-35s than Cheeto Jesus is worth flying…
We had a wannabe local movie producer/director hold a launch party for his direct-to-DVD premiere... swear to god there was a torrent three hours after the disc went on sale.
Seriously. Am I that abnormal of a guy in that once a relationship’s over, I don’t even feel comfortable possessing them anymore? Like our relationship was a license for having them, but that was revoked too when they broke my heart?
I know you can do that, but it’s not easy. Everyone complains about it, so I don’t know why they don’t make an easy “Incognito” mode for gift shopping and such. I can look at one thing on Amazon in Safari on my iPad at home, and for the next week my work computer has ads for it plastered all over Facebook.
Now if only there were an easy way to make those types of purchases on Amazon, and using your Prime account, without it forever influencing your suggestions and being permanently etched in your order history. I set up an extra dummy email account on my domain, and shared my Prime benefits with the other me, but Amazon…
The strange part is that Daktronics upgraded their All Sport CG to handle HD signals, yet didn’t bother to make it any less ugly. The next price step up in doing ‘real’ graphics for sports broadcasts gets into 5 figures really easily.
Scoreboard manufacturer makes a character generator for burning the same data shown on the board into video for game tapes or really amateur web streams.
It’s been slowed down. You can hear that there’s pauses edited into the play by play audio to try to keep it more in sync with the video.
And what about those precincts in Wisconsin where more votes were tallied in the presidential race (and by a large margin for Trump) than the total number of ballots cast?
Strangely, MLB did away with that for the Indians’ World Series Champion merch this year.
Oh, yeah, don’t even get me started on that hot garbage.
I hate that chopper guy. He’s the epitome of what car chase coverage was like back before covering them became controversial due to the glamorization of a dangerous chase through crowded cities. His voice legit reminds me of the one the ‘world’s most dangerous’-type specials used to overdub on other chases to make…
Totally read that as
If he’d dress more conservatively and not flaunt himself, he wouldn’t be asking for it.
Doubt it. They make wireless microwave bacpacs for GoPros that are essentially the same size as a Hero 3/4, so figure the weight of two GoPros, which is probably less than the weight in the bottom of the pylons used to keep them standing.
Pretty sure this deal is closer to the old days when Diamond P produced everything and sold the rights to TNN, prior to the ESPN deal.
True. Plus then I can blame them for getting those shots when I somehow accidentally punch them up on air. ha ha
Nah, the Director would be to blame. I get tons of garbage shots from my camera ops during the college games I direct, and I’m the one calling what makes it on air. Best one wasn’t a game I was directing, but our director took a crowd shot going into a break during a basketball game, just in time for the baby that was…