
How about something like this for Powerline extenders? I recently moved and my old 100' cable I used to hardwire two wireless routers at opposite ends of the house won’t cut it at the new place.

How about something like this for Powerline extenders? I recently moved and my old 100' cable I used to hardwire two

Yep. And there at the end, you’ve discovered what really goes on behind the scenes in TV production. ha ha
I once punched up a camera during a volleyball game (after having called a proper standby cue, so it was the camera op’s fault) just in time for him to zoom all the way in on a player’s ass, right in time for her

Had to walk while he still could, after all.

Plus there’s no risk of the guy with the ball dropping a live one in the end zone and the other team recovering, as we’ve seen so many times where balls get tossed early.

Let’s look at how much quicker they were to respond to this video being posted than the burning phones that, you know, actually hurt people and destroyed property.

That answered my question. I’ve got the other ones and was wondering if these were any more comfortable. I can live with them, but I only use them for listening to my camera audio at work (with a $15 BT transmitter) so I’m not tethered to it.

That answered my question. I’ve got the other ones and was wondering if these were any more comfortable. I can live

Seriously... no pine tar or any funny business to get a better grip on the ball, but some nice sticky blood? Meh.

Straight guy here, and I’m obsessive about keeping things clean and tidy before any extracurricular activity. I err on the side of showering unnecessarily.

“The lower part of the passenger door got a couple of dents while it was in the shop doing the makeover.”

Yeah, after the recent studies showing how much traffic backup is caused by everyone trying to not be a douche and merging before they have to for a lane closure, etc., I’m forcing myself to start driving more like an inconsiderate ass.

Meanwhile, Kellyanne was ready to chime in with how that sonofabitch Bill Clinton refused to return his seat back to the upright position during landing.

Hey, don’t go dragging junior college sports down to Rutgers’ level. Our team’s 6-0 right now, thank you.

Now playing

Gropey Trump has actually made this more awkward than ol’ Ted Cruz...

His cousin Pepe is starting to rub off on him.

Well, I am, and watching that made me feel a lot better about our community college’s game I directed last night, since we have four replay angles available and I don’t even bother having a pointless full screen to dump to.

Precisely. All this does is clarify the threshold at which each of these nitwits decide it’s too much. Like someone stopping after eight beers because they have to drive home in ten minutes, instead of having a ninth.

Might as well call it George W Bush II.

Don’t dare insinuate that his girlfriend, Georgia Glass, isn’t real.