So, what you’re saying is we should all be tweeting that Pence did better than Trump, and keeping the narrative focused on Pence outshining Trump, so we can see a new evolution in the shitcircus.
So, what you’re saying is we should all be tweeting that Pence did better than Trump, and keeping the narrative focused on Pence outshining Trump, so we can see a new evolution in the shitcircus.
I’d put up with a barrage of Dane Cook spots if it meant the fucking DBacks could make the postseason again.
Is that really that unheard of a nickname outside Arizona? I’ve heard it practically since they came to Phoenix.
You know, a year ago that seemed like a terrible joke. Now it seems like less of a joke than the real election.
Their train from Hoboken wa delayed.
Just move them all to one state, since then it’s only really gerrymandering, and his followers are fine with that. At least then they lose their electoral college power.
I truly can’t believe Kellyanne is capable. Every time I see her interviewed, and confronted with the sheer litany of lies, non-truths, and unverifiable claims Trump has made, that woman is the definition of Drank the Kool-Aid. Like at some deep psychological level, she is not wired to process him as “wrong”...…
Exactly. Was he a shit president, yes. Would I have a burger and a beer with him, yes.
Funny, it gets over 110° regularly, and 120° occasionally here, and our cops can let their cars idle for hours without problem.
Is this only when someone’s in the car still? What happens when it’s over 105° for 8 hours a day?
Oh, so like the symbol Prince used, but with Hulk Hogan’s dick hanging off it. Gotcha.
Now coming to you from a wooden shack in the Montana woods.
I think it’s posted on actually.
With so many other sites feeding bullshit clickbait articles in that position, sometimes I forget to watch for the serendipitous magnificence of the related articles on the Gawker Media sites.
I know mobile has had issues with embedded videos, but is anyone else having regular issues on an actual computer with only seeing the top or corner part of some videos here? I’m on a Mac with current Chrome, and all I see is crowd during the trot, and sky when the ball is in the air.
Some of these accusations seem so familiar... as if I’ve read them before.
Oh, yeah.
MLB’s GIFs are almost always garbage. And they wonder why sites want to steal short clips rather than share the crap they offer.
They’re infrared, so flashing your headlights will do nothing. Everyone I’ve argued with in person about this didn’t realize they were flashing their lights at the exact moment they hit the induction loops, which were clearly visible on those intersections.
At this point they might as well do different jerseys every week, and then it’s even more shit for them to try to sell to fans under the guise of selling a couple autographed copies of each as a ‘charity’ move.
He’s wondering why his email to bounced