
Yeah, but the sad part is, they’ll still think they’re right, and they’ll just try a shady way to do it again next year. Been there, done that

Our community college’s team had a conference game called in the third quarter after repeated fights on the field... not even a full-on brawl, but lots of cheap shots and a couple little skirmishes. Think the nail in the coffin was when one of the players that was tossed was being escorted out, got heckled by a fan,

He’ll transfer to East Mississippi and Buddy Stephens will teach him the proper methods for getting physical with a ref, yet not losing your job.

As long as you’re OK with the occasional 120˚ days, and the fact it’s been over 100˚ pretty much every day since mid-May.

And it’s not even a college employee that lied to them... it would be an employee of Barnes and Noble, which runs the CS bookstore.

Or if you live near a base, you watch six F-35Bs fly over in rapid succession and just wish they’d go away and be quiet so you can get back to shooting the video you’re working on outside.

I appreciate that you still say *might* not be verbatim... because we all know it’s plausible to have come out of his ass mouth.

Yeah, but at least in the cars I’ve run across that in, when it comes to using an iPhone plugged into that... it lets you access your Apple Music library via the stereo, but you can’t play music from apps like Slacker or Pandora...

Seriously. They lip-synced and did half-ass choreography, and even the pre-recorded vocals weren’t anything special. Not saying the kids have NO talent... but this was some sub-Rebecca-Black-Friday production value.

Still fake.

Tempted to think that the initial delay was just to review footage and see who actually crossed the line first, for the sake of awarding the win at that moment, and that once the head honchos confer in the next couple days, things may change. Same way fines always seem to get handed out midweek.

Hell, my ex bought a used Kia that came loaded with contacts from one of the three phones that was paired to it. Doubt that dealers give two shits about it either, so remember it if you trade in a car as well.

What you can see in the video looks like it’s still attached to the pedestal and pan tilt head... so unless the lens whacked something on the way down it’s probably fine. We’ve had broadcast cameras blown over on tripods at lower altitudes that survived a header into the grass relatively unscathed.

Ah. You're my hero. Figured if Jalopnik hadn't dug it up a month later, it didn't exist.

You weren’t around last night, were ya?

And yet you still have to wonder how many sponges or tools were left inside patients.


Not technically the isolated announcers’ channel... just what was mixed to the center 5.1 channel on the board. But it does sound like a stick mic run through a processor they’d be using for a sideline reporter or similar.

I work at a two year school and the first year we did a soccer game live on TV, we were about to fall asleep in the production truck. Then one of the camera ops started telling us about doing his laundry in Spanish with way too much enthusiasm, and it just felt better.

Worked fine for me on iOS 10. Usually it's just the MLB links and some of the Twitter ones that can eat shit and die.