
No, actually, we learned from our facilities staff that students tend to throw out some rather ridiculous stuff at the end of the year rather than send it home... they’ve found Xboxes, working laptops, tons of video games/DVDs/Blu-rays, furniture... so we decided to take a peek in the dumpsters ourselves and found

Try almost $100 each for a commemorative watch for the players in a junior college bowl game. Because millennials wear analog watches. I found two in the dumpster at the end of the academic year, still in the box.

Is part of the problem just that there’s too many hours of studio shows a day now? I’ll admit to not being a sports junkie or watching very many sports broadcasts period... but it just amazes me how almost every time I go into sports bars or (restaurants with TVs in general) how many different choices there are of

...because I’m sure a camera 400 feet away doesn’t at all exaggerate how close it was by foreshortening the view.

Very first sentence of the copy too.

Very first sentence of the copy too.

About $400. Damn nice mic though. We use one for our anthem singers and other on-field stuff for football and easily reaches well beyond the far corners of the end zones with the receiver in the press box (we use compatible on-camera receivers in our kits also). The lav we use for the refs is from the same family and

Yeah. Shading seemed a bit off to me too. Part that I saw this morning looked like they pulled some ten year old cameras out of storage... terrible dynamic range. And that’s even after being on a ‘normal’ course compared to that dead-ass grass last year.

Actually, I think they pretty much abandoned Athens as a whole. ha ha

At least he didn't punch the camera op in the dick.

I’d watch the video to stroke your ego, but I haven’t had an NBC video work for me in about two years. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s on my phone, computer at home, or in my office. Just the spinning circle of denial forever.

I swear to God, half of Kinja is going to be served before long.

Not sure what you mean by fooling the lens. The thing slides into the opening a little, and the knob spreads it so friction holds it in place. I’ve got one and it holds my iPhone 6 Plus in my Tundra wonderfully.

Not sure what you mean by fooling the lens. The thing slides into the opening a little, and the knob spreads it so

It wasn’t a proper PIT attempt anyway. The cop car wasn’t far enough forward. This was a cheap shot on a lap 186 restart at Talladega.

I’m actually a little surprised. I could see some directors getting super pissed for bailing like that... I mean, he got hit by a soccer ball, not an Audi.

Except that on a large production like that, probably half to 3/4 of the ops are following something other than the ball. Otherwise you don’t get the reaction shots of coaches, things like that.

Now playing

If we’re going to talk post-funny-car-run interviews, nobody will ever top John Force, and the ol’ heap he drives.

Oh god, even pachinko went LCD the way most slot machines have? Ugh. Thank goodness we still get ‘real’ pinball machines.

People who buy Monster Cable because the guy that's been working at Best Buy for two weeks told them to.

Thanks, I'll remember that for the next three months of 105°+ days. I'm sure the 114° this weekend will be great

Hope they at least get to play finders-keepers. We used to find all sorts of interesting stuff cleaning the stretch of highway my parents adopted in the middle of the desert. Empty ‘White Girl’ bath salts container, Penthouse DVD, cell phone with nude selfies on it, an almost new Juicy Couture watch ($150 retail).