Apparently not, because I have it on my iPhone, yet keep waiting 5 seconds.
Apparently not, because I have it on my iPhone, yet keep waiting 5 seconds.
Soft white only? Of course. BOOOOO.
Soft white only? Of course. BOOOOO.
Here in Arizona, it would have been a gun-related record involving a 6 month old.
Yeah, I mean, they could hire quality staff and pay a decent wage, but why not use a ‘third-party contractor’ to do the games and work maybe 20 hours a week with no benefits? Because that’s how you get the quality talent on your tech staff.
Time for Tesla to get their ass over here to Arizona or another Right to Work state. We’ve got plenty of labor available who would be more than happy to work for what they’re paying.
If you click it in the corner, you get three stars.
Not to mention it seems like the Expedition cuts the wheels to the right when they start to tow, and stops almost as soon as the Jeep moves... where continuing to pull and turning left might have settled the Jeep into a more stable position instead of letting gravity do its magic.
Slugger McSlugFace
I hate people who shoot slo-mo on iPhones but can’t manage to move the keyframes to only slow the relevant parts. That video should have been :07 with the slo-mo.
Used to see the AN-124s pretty regularly parked at the airport here... but still haven’t managed to catch one coming or going. Wish I could set alerts on FlightAware for anytime a particular model aircraft was en route... ha ha
Judging by the Quicken Loans Shot for Heroes, it looks like that was part of the promo event that they and his foundation do where anyone can take a ~100yd shot and close shots and hole-in-ones trigger donations to charity. Info from last year:…
He also lost the ladder on the roof somewhere along the way.
I think a lot of cord-cutters would pay for just ESPN if they could. Me, I wouldn’t. Not having to pay for ESPN is part of why I don’t have cable.
I love how they obsess over the ball moving an inch or two closer on the drop... but did they account for the guy picking up his shoes initially? You can see him stand up and move them in the shot from the camera on the tower where the guy in red is blocked by the wall.
Thank you. Was hoping someone would notice.
Agreed. I’ve never had a cable come apart from the inside. The jacket frays where the cable first exits the connectors, or the Lightning end sometimes gets flaky on the cheaper ones. Call me back when the Kevlar is on the outside.
Agreed. I’ve never had a cable come apart from the inside. The jacket frays where the cable first exits the…
I always wonder in cases like this... (1) Do they penalize students who don’t return their yearbooks to be ‘fixed’... and (2) Who is the poor lackey that gets to Sharpie over his wang 3,400 times?
Let’s hope he was smarter than the guy who pulled a similar stunt in my hometown a few years back... after claiming he had been homeless and had no ID to register with, it was discovered he was 22 and had moved from Florida to have another chance at hoops glory. Even dumber was that suddenly his underage classmate…
Yeah, the $100k 72X lens pointed at him from 4 feet away probably gave away that he was having his six seconds of fame.